Pc boots but no video after overclock of e6600
Senior Member
30. July 2009 @ 17:18 |
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I have an e6600 and an intel d975xbx2 board.I also have a gtx 260 core 216. the cpu was holding back the gpu so I decided to overclock the cpu from 2.4 to 3.0 mhz, to eliminate the gpu bottleneck. from what i understand 3mhz is very manageable with the e6600 and the stock fan, but just to be safe i went with the artic freezer 7 pro.
I think the extra heat from the overclock got to gpu.
I think I need to somehow reset the bios, but i dont now how.
30. July 2009 @ 17:34 |
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by using the cmos jumper. read your motherboard manual where that jumper is & how to use it.
Senior Member
30. July 2009 @ 17:59 |
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Ok I see how to reset the bios but is the any othe possible fix. I weould like to be able to oc to get rid of my gpu bottleneck.
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4 product reviews
30. July 2009 @ 18:08 |
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2.4 to 3.0 is a large jump try 2.7 or 2.8 the main thing is do you experience lag in your games at stock. why bother shorting your hardwares life when theres no need to.
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AfterDawn Addict
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31. July 2009 @ 19:13 |
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2.4 to 3.0 would be easy with most boards, but on one of intel's own boards, overclocking is going to be difficult.
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31. July 2009 @ 22:06 |
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Originally posted by sammorris: 2.4 to 3.0 would be easy with most boards, but on one of intel's own boards, overclocking is going to be difficult.
Right but its always safe to Overclock one . at a time. when you find a stable core keep it.
i believe his issue is voltage as many Intel's have there voltages locked. i could be wrong i was never a fan of Intel anyway the K5 & K6-2 blew my mind.
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AfterDawn Addict
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1. August 2009 @ 06:51 |
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The problem is not with Intel CPUs, it's with Intel boards, they're really stripped down OEM-grade boards with essentially no overclocking abilities whatsoever. If you rate AMD based on the 1998-2000 days then you missed out, back then it was pretty even. From 2003-2006 AMD were absolutely slamming Intel's products until the core 2 came out. From that point until a few months back the situation was reversed.
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1. August 2009 @ 21:52 |
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AfterDawn Addict
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2. August 2009 @ 05:37 |
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You won't hear any beeps unless you have a case speaker connected lol - do you?
Senior Member
2. August 2009 @ 12:09 |
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No, but one time I istalled bad ram and i was able to hear system tones indecating the ram was bad. I thought i would hear something like that.
Any ideas on why the recovery did not work.
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
2. August 2009 @ 17:22 |
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Perhaps the board has an onboard speaker then, some do.
Senior Member
3. August 2009 @ 11:05 |
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It does.
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
3. August 2009 @ 14:11 |
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Interesting, power related faults would usually prevent POST, but nforce 6 boards are a law unto themselves.
Senior Member
3. August 2009 @ 22:34 |
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the guy who built my pc got me a case and psu together, i think and the psu is probably not the best.
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
4. August 2009 @ 07:25 |
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Then the PSU is almost certainly a deathtrap. Replace it anyway, as a matter of safety.
Senior Member
4. August 2009 @ 17:47 |
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I know I need to replace the psu. If the hard drives click at startup, the fans all work and the disc drives flash when a disc is inserted is it still probably the psu?
Keep in mind i cant see or hear because i muted the speakers.
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AfterDawn Addict
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4. August 2009 @ 17:49 |
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Not that likely, but it's still a matter of urgency to replace the PSU.
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4. August 2009 @ 17:50 |
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Senior Member
11. August 2009 @ 14:08 |
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The guy who built it for me was able to recover the bios, undo the OC and test my video card in a working machine. the videocard just had a few lines on the screen. so i bought a cheep PNY card put it in.
The system boots to windows but only every once out of a a few trys.I also am unable to got the system out of stand by.
When i cant get to windows everthing seens to work but windows just wont start, and nothing is diplayed.
One time when i tried to boot and saw nothing, so i turned on my wireless headset to see if i could hear any windows startup sounds. the wireless headset would not pickup the receiver pluged into the usb port.
Since i seeming the have usb and desplay problems i am thinking its a motherboard issue.
What do you guys think?
Thanks so much.
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AfterDawn Addict
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11. August 2009 @ 14:37 |
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Assuming the PSU has been replaced try a new motherboard. If the PSU has still not been replaced, then still do that first.
Senior Member
16. August 2009 @ 13:01 |
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Did the psu switch. didnt help. So i ordered a new motherboard.
Off topic, The guy who built my system and tried to help me fix it, said that the reason my vidcard fried was that i had my fsb way too high from my overclock.
As i said before i was just tring to get to 3ghz. Does his fsb idea seem legit?
i was thinking it was more a case of a just a crappy motherboard.
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Senior Member
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16. August 2009 @ 14:44 |
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a crappy motherboard will do that, coupled with the fact you OCed it. it could very well be both.
my ASrock can get to 233FSB before im locking up i can also set my PCIe speed using Async mode.
ive never burnt out my video card in an OC unless i was OCing my card.
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
16. August 2009 @ 15:15 |
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No, you can never damage a graphics card from a high FSB, you can potentially cause issues if you raise the PCIE bus speed, but that's not required for an overclock, nor is it ever advisable.
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16. August 2009 @ 16:44 |
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Originally posted by sammorris: No, you can never damage a graphics card from a high FSB, you can potentially cause issues if you raise the PCIE bus speed, but that's not required for an overclock, nor is it ever advisable.
Never say never in the OC world.
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
16. August 2009 @ 17:11 |
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Well, I've overclocked loads of systems, and my friends have overclocked loads of systems and never once has an FSB overclock killed a graphics card in over 50 cases, it simply can't happen due to the way FSB works.