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pc freezing at start up and no boot menu
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12. September 2009 @ 08:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have a Cefni desktop pc with windows xp home edition, I was given this pc 2 months ago for free its ok and does what I want I carnet give you anymore info on it as this is all I no.
The pc as been working great since I had it then today I turned it on and my problems started.
When I turn it on it gets too the start up page and the welcome message comes on I click on to the box owner [this only user on it] and the pc sticks freezes, and the egg timer comes up and don't disappear the pc just sticks. I have switched it on and off many times to no affect its just freezes. So go to the boot menu I thought, here we have another problem as I carnet find it. I have tried all the normal ways delete,f8 f12 etc on start up but nothing will get me into the boot menu.
Now im newish to fixing pcs well this be my first try, I want to have a go at fixing this myself to help me understand pc a bit Betterton and I don't have any boot, fix cads.
So anyone have a clue were do I start from
13. September 2009 @ 20:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
If you are using a USB keyboard, maybe try and get hold of a PS2 keyboard and try booting into safe mode with your F8 key again. If you can get in to safe mode try a system restore point to a date prior to your problem. If it is already using a PS2 keyboard, try and borrow a replacement to eliminate it.
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14. September 2009 @ 04:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You can also check in your bios...set "USB Keyboard Support" to "enabled" or "Bios".

14. September 2009 @ 07:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ok Folks
I can now get into boot bois menu when i want.
The problem as slighty changed.
I can sometimes start my pc sometimes it wont it will just freeze when you presser which user to start with,i only jave one owner,So some times it will start other times it wont
When i get it to start it works perfect.
But every time i restart i alsways get this error message

googleupdate.exe.corrupt file
the file or directory c:\windows\temp\GUR6.tmp is corrupand
unreadable. please run the checklist.unilty

When i do a check disk i get this message at start up everytime
can not open volume for direct access
windows as finished checking the disc

i have did scans and did find some melwere which as now gone.
So any wise heads out there > forums > pc hardware > other pc hardware > pc freezing at start up and no boot menu

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