Hi everyone, I'm desperately seeking guidance on this doozy of a problem.
Tonight, as I plugged my friends camera into my front usb port, a static shock jumped from my finger into the usb. I got a pop up that said something like "an error has occurred with the usb'.
Then, after trying to re-plug in the camera, I found that my mouse, then my keyboard weren't working. I became quite nervous because I've previously fried an entire mobo with one little shock.
I've yet to get any peripherals to work and I've got some strange symptoms:
1. The pc will boot and get to the log in screen (of course I can't sign in with no working mouse or keyboard)
2. The mouse and keyboard do seem to be getting some kind of power as the wireless mouse dongle charger light is on and my wireless keyboard receiver has lights as well. It even seems to acknowledge my keyboard when I try to reconnect it.
3. When I plug in a backup wired optical mouse, it doesn't work and there is no flashing light from the optical sensor.
4. I've plugged my keyboard receiver in via the green plug instead of the usb. It received power that way as well but still doesn't work.
5. I've unplugged and replugged everything and I've reset the cmos to no avail.
Can anyone shed any light here? Could the usb controller be fried without frying anything else? IF so, how can I fix it when everything else (boot-wise) seems to be fine?
If when booting, and using either ps2 or usb keyboard, can you use delete to get into bios?
If not, you could try a seperate usb pci card, but would need to get the drivers loaded, this is unlikely if you are stuck at a password.