Make sure the game your swapping with is larger or same size as the backup.
Boot up your PS2 with CODER disc until you see the ?BOOT DISC? window comes up.
2. For PS2 model SCPH-1000X to SCPH-5500X:
Press the ?Eject? button on your PS2 console to open the disc tray, replace CODER disc with larger TOC size disc,
close the disc tray and CODER will load the disc automatically, when the TOC successfully refreshed, the scrolling
text will tell you to swap your own program.
Swap the discs with your Backup/Import or Homebrew program by using
FlipTop Cover or Slide Tool* and press X to run the program.
For PSTwo model SCPH-7000X to SCPH-7500X:
Open the disc door and remove Magic Switch ?Tool A?, replace CODER disc with larger TOC size disc, then reinstall
Magic Switch ?Tool A? *(Caution: the disc will start spinning once the ?Tool A? has been reinstalled).
When the TOC refreshing finished, the disc will stop spinning and a scrolling text will tell you to swap your own program. Swap the
discs with your Backup/Import or Homebrew program and press X to run the program.
Make sure also to choose your own Region of the PS2, regardless of the games region.