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I'm looking for a good Samsung Touch Phone.
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13. November 2009 @ 07:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'm wondering what the best Samsung is that has Touchscreen, Bluetooth, music, camera, quad band, removable memory that DOESN'T require a data package with the carrier. As does a Smartphone. Any help or suggestions will be very appreciated. Even if it's a different brand. I hope I followed thy rules. And you can reply in CAPS if you want. As big as you want. I still won't be able to hear you yelling. :) Thanks.
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18. November 2009 @ 15:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'm not sure about the U.S., but in Canada the only carrier that has the Omnia 2 is Bell. I'm going to pick up this phone soon as well. Right now, the only carries I know (In Canada) that DON'T require a Data Plan anymore are Bell and Telus. It's still the same for Rogers or Fido.

Telus actually got rid of it's system access fee, BUT they raised their rate plans about $10, so you think your saving $10, but your actually spending $2 more.

Get the Omnia 2, it's such a nice phone, and has a lot better features then the Iphone, and it's thinner too. Some phones look big on the screen, but if you go to the store and feel it yourself I'm sure you'll like it.

18. November 2009 @ 16:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks Mike. The Omnia 2 is available through Verizon here in the States, but it is a smartphone that they require the smartphone data service. Thanks again. > forums > mobile devices > samsung > i'm looking for a good samsung touch phone.

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