Cleaning out the garage and came across my old PSP 1001. Charged it up to see if it works - and it does. I have not turned it on since summer 2007, so I checked the firmware which is at 3.10 OE-A and I have no idea where to begin. I would like to update the firmware to the latest rev and was wondering if the information in the first discussion "Guide for installing ...... " is all I need to know.
I didn't do the initial flash to 1.50 and up to it's current state, so I am starting out for the first time. Obviously, a bit afraid of it bricking.
Couple questions that hopefully this community can assist with as I read the guide.
1. is the guide the place to start and will get me to where I want to get the firmware?
2. What level of firmware should I move to? and is it a one step process?
3. anything else you can all suggest?
Thanks in advance and I'm off to start reading the guide.
Thanks b1gh3ad. Got started and because I am below firmware 5.03 i am trying to do the update listed before step 1 and I am not sure how to actually run the update. I copy the file to /PSP/GAMES/UPDATE but then not sure how to run it. I notice it's available under the games list as "PSP Update ver 5.03", but when I click X to run it I receive "The game could not be started. (DADADADA)"
This kinda makes sense as it's not a game.
Also, the file to download in step 1 is not available.
hey ctpcrash did u actually upgrade to 5.03 or did you just run the 5.50 Gen-d3 update? i ask because i am in the same boat... just dusted off my old psp to play the new dissidia. My cfw is 5.00 m33-6
Xbox 360: Slim untouched with a faked 320 GB harddrive for XBL, phat with LT 3.0, played Halo early, so going on live would be an instand ban, also with a faked 320 GB harddrive
PS3: Untouched 160 GB Slim, 60 GB Fat with latest Rogero and 160 GB internal harddrive.
PSVita: hardly ever play it
GameCube: Black with a Viper chip installed. With gameboy player. Trying to get a Wavebird controller.