As I mentioned in a different thread, I'm running dash v. 8955 on Xbreboot. I know, I'm far behind the times. I've looked into updating a bunch of different times, but here's my big question:
Do I really have to? So far I've encountered absolutely no problems running anything. Mainly I use iso2god and transfer by ftp or usb. My other method is install from original and use nxe2god. I have FSD 2.0 and instead of dash launch I have the iso burned to a CD and it reads the disk on startup.
I don't have Kinect and don't plan on getting it. So will I gain anything by updating? So far there doesn't appear to be any limitations aside from Kinect with the setup I have... so should I even bother?
Well it only takes a few mins using 360 flash tool to do it. I'm sure you will have problems with newer games not running because of older dashboard. If you decide to update be sure to run the official ms update after you have lattest freeboot installed.
Are you saying that because eventually a game will have a dashboard update on it? Wouldn't it be most likely that only Kinect games will have these written to them from now on?
The only reason I ask is because even though I know it's simple enough to do using flash360, I don't want to mess it up. I got my jtag from someone and I don't have the capabilities of fixing it through my computer if it screws up.
How badly can I mess up my box by doing it through flash360? Would it be reversible?
Well if you dont know what youre doing better off not messing with it, but if you decide to make sure you read up and get comfortable with it. The games will have a check in them to see if you are running the lattest dashboard or not, and if not they won't boot unless you update, which you should never update from anything other than freeboot. And yes if done wrong then you can brick your 360, its not hard to update just read multiple posts to learn everything you can, and might see examples of what not to do in those post to, just don't get in a hurry and you'll be alright.