I got a messed up xbox from my bro and decided to fix it.
Got a new benq drive from my other bro to replace the bad one.
Instead of using common sense and putting my old chip in the new drive, for some reason I felt like being a moron and did the opposite!!!!!!!! (please remember this is the first time I have seen the inside of an xbox let alone work on one, I'm stupid, very very stupid, and it was hard to find good info on the benq so I went in kind of blind!)
So ok I could fix this, just undo my mistakes, woops, seems I cut the wires on the good drive with the good parts really short to give me more room to work when I originally fucked up. have fun soldering!
So eventually I reversed everything NOW....
I have had a CD play once
DVD's play flawlessly
Some games are recognized when inserted, but ZERO will play!!!! yay!
Two questions for a pro.
1) I am wondering if for some reason the laser might not be starting off in the right place or just is not catching the edge of the games I am inserting.
2) Do you think I just have a bad solder somewhere and possibly the drive is not operating properly or could this possibly be a communication error that could possibly be fixed by flashing the drive.
Many thanks to anyone willing to give their two cents!
Not really understanding you here, but from what I get it sounds like you swapped boards on the drives. If so you have to use your original board to get your dvd key. Without it all you can do is play dvds games will never boot again, and there is no other way to get it except that board.
Power the drive up with the case off. See if the laser lights up or if it's weak. If it's a weak light, could be a loose wire that supplies power to the laser. Could be a dirty laser, check that first.