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Burner max and usbpro don't like each other do they
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3. December 2011 @ 04:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Couldn't use onboard sata to flash ihas124b so ended up using usbpro. Bit hit and miss, replacing sata and usb connections but finally flashed with burner max. I then tried to burn a copy of Space Marine using image burn and ran into many probs:

I did the eprom tweaks. I left the usbpro connected up to do the burn (don't know if that's right) and selected the ihas as the drive rather than my other native dvd drive. I was using Verbs 2.4 and did the image burn settings as suggested. As soon as I started Image Burn I got the disk too big, truncate, blah blah blah. Is this suppoed to happen even when using Lite On ihas124B flashed with burner max? I then clicked truncate and left it for about 40 minutes. When I came back it was at the verify stage and kept failing to verify at 41% with some message about device not ready (can't recall exactly.

Tested the burn with kprobe and nothing showing so it's a no go. Not a problem as first burn with max and first coaster but just confused that Image Burn was producing this message as though I was using my normal drive. Also confused by the failure to verify at the end.

Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks for your time.
3. December 2011 @ 11:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Reflashed with burner max using usbpro and seems to have worked as no truncate message when starting Image burn.

However, this has been replaced by "The semaphore timeout period has expired". This is then followed by the inevitable i/o error.

As previously stated I can only get the ihas recognised and functional using usbpro so am I stuffed?
3. December 2011 @ 11:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Update on the update!

Switched to motherboard sata (one where original DVD drive was plugged in).

Recognises drive and image burn starts without the semaphore error. Takes an age on "Writing lead in" then another i/o error this time about Write request could not be..sectors 384-415..., then when you click retry you get another i/o error Interpretation-invalid address for write.

I know I can't be the only one in the Western Hemisphere running XP on a DELL XPS420 so someone must have had this nightmare. I feel like throwing away tthe usbpro and ihas along with the coasters I've created!
AfterDawn Addict
3. December 2011 @ 20:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by TonyJer:
I know I can't be the only one in the Western Hemisphere running XP on a DELL XPS420 so someone must have had this nightmare.
Sorry bro, but you just might be on an island by yourself. I don't think too many people into hacking, manipulating software, etc, use Dells, because they are, well, um, Dells.

Originally posted by TonyJer:
I feel like throwing away the usbpro and ihas along with the coasters I've created!
Throw away the Dell instead.

4. December 2011 @ 04:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Update on the update on the update. Unlugged power and sata connections completely from drive 1 and used these to connect ihas24b to onboard sata.

No semaphore message, write started but then yet another I/O at 32%. This says Check Condition-SCSI sectors 1383776-1383807. Write error.

Media used are Verbs 2.4 made in Singapore with all settings in Eeprom and Image Burn as per guide.

This is fifth coaster now so have a set.

Anyone else had this problem.

Thanks > forums > consoles > xbox 360 - modding & hacking > burner max and usbpro don't like each other do they

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