COD MW3 and Battlefield 3 back ups giving disc read errors
6. November 2011 @ 11:06 |
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I have a 360 with a Lite On drive that has the latest dashboard and is flashed to iXtreme LT+ 2.0 and I am having problems. It plays all of my older back ups with no problem, but most of the new XGD 3 games have been giving me problems. I am using Verbatim 2.4x discs and have gotten the .iso files for the games from several different sites. I am burning with IMG Burn 2.5.6 at 2.4x and have been truncating the discs as all of the guides have suggested. Ace Combat: Assault Horizon, NCIS, Body Count, and Dues Ex: Human Revolution all play flawlessly, but, Lord Of The Rings: War In The North, Gears Of War 3, and Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim all load and then freeze either before the game starts or right after. Battlefield 3 won't load at all and gives a "Disc Is Unreadable" error. Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 loads and plays for a minute or so before giving the "Disc Is Unreadable Error" which is weird becuase you can actually get into the game and start playing, fire your gun and everything like you would if the game was store bought and then all of a sudden, it gives the error. This is getting VERY frustrating and I have search the net (Google) for answers to my problems and have tried several different solutions to no avail. Any help would be greatly appreciated cause I am getting to the point to where I am about ready to get rid of the system all together if I can't play the newer games. Thanks in advance.
AfterDawn Addict
6. November 2011 @ 11:10 |
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are you burning with the new burning software? Do you have one of new liteons flashed with imax?
6. November 2011 @ 11:23 |
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I've had no issues with games using the truncating method. Only game that won't work is Forza 4 and thats dues to that security bit.
The only thing I could think to start the troubleshooting is using your burnt discs in another 360 to see if they show the same errors.
Other then that, might be time to look at x360key.
6. November 2011 @ 11:30 |
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Originally posted by Modking30: are you burning with the new burning software? Do you have one of new liteons flashed with imax?
Like I said, I am burning with IMG Burn 2.5.6 and my drive is almost 3 years old and it has been flashed with the newest 2.0 firmware.
Junior Member
6. November 2011 @ 11:48 |
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your DVD drive on your computer not your xbox needs to be flashed with a special fw called burner max, and this fw will only will only work on certain drives. You need one of the following Lite-On SATA drives:
Lite-On iHAS124B
Lite-On iHAS224B
Lite-On iHAS324B
Lite-On iHAS424B
Lite-On iHAS524B
Lite-On iHAS624B
The trunicate method you are using is garbage, ignore the trunicate guide! many reports of the same problem you are having are all over xbox forums, your gonna have to buy one of these drives as the way you are burning is only burning at 97% and the new burner max fw burns at 100%
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6. November 2011 @ 12:15 |
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Just finished the first mission in MW3 using the truncating method. Seems your 360 can handle it or not. And there is plenty of people with issues using that MAX burner stuff as well. Its not 100% guaranteed to work.
Second mission done as well. Got to stop or I won't get anything done today. :D
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 6. November 2011 @ 12:27
6. November 2011 @ 12:30 |
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Originally posted by 360lifer: Just finished the first mission in MW3 using the truncating method. Seems your 360 can handle it or not. And there is plenty of people with issues using that MAX burner stuff as well. Its not 100% guaranteed to work.
Ok, so why is some of the other XGD3 games playing fine and MW3 isn't? Ace Combat: Assault Horizon is also XGD3 and it plays with no problems at all but then again, Battlefield 3 isn't loading at all. It just seems like the good games that are coming out will not work, but all of the ones that SUCK work fine with Ace Combat being the exception to the word SUCK. lol.
Junior Member
6. November 2011 @ 13:20 |
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they will work if you burn at 100%, some of the new games probably have some info at the end of the disk needed on some xbox drives to read. Just burn at 100% it only cost $20 for a new drive
6. November 2011 @ 13:27 |
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Originally posted by scoobpoo: they will work if you burn at 100%, some of the new games probably have some info at the end of the disk needed on some xbox drives to read. Just burn at 100% it only cost $20 for a new drive
So far only Forza 4 has been confirmed to need a 100% burn.
Junior Member
6. November 2011 @ 13:57 |
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Originally posted by 360lifer: Originally posted by scoobpoo: they will work if you burn at 100%, some of the new games probably have some info at the end of the disk needed on some xbox drives to read. Just burn at 100% it only cost $20 for a new drive
So far only Forza 4 has been confirmed to need a 100% burn.
that's not true! The trunicate method works for most 360 users but certain 360 drives are having trouble playing games such as goldeneye, and BF3. I have 3 xbox's and only 1 of them is playing Goldeneye using the trunicate method, once i burnt it at 100% it plays fine. My kprobe results on the trunicate burn were well within the standard range. Search this forum and you will find other users with this problem as well using trunicate. Most problems ppl are having with burner max is getting it to burn fully with proper kprobe results, once this is reached your game will work
6. November 2011 @ 14:33 |
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Which drives? Seems the people having the issues are the ones who pay to get flashed and have no clue what drive they have.....
7. November 2011 @ 14:50 |
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I am having similar issues to the original poster. My drive is the Lite-on D12 one, 7xxxxC (sorry, not at home right now - can't confirm exact model) - flashed with latest iXtreme LT 2.0. My burner is the iHAS 224 B updated with the newest burner max. Burned at 2.4x w/ verbatim disc, 001. Attempted two burns of call of duty mw3, both different ISOs, similar result:
Game loads up with no issues, after about 3-5 minutes I receive dirty disc error. The first disc happens almost immediately (1 minute), while the second disc will happen after maybe 5 minutes. I can hear the drive stop spinning, then maybe 2 seconds later the error pops up and kicks me back to the dash.
My old games work with no issues, play fine never giving the error. I will need to check the disc results with the kprobe tool, but I am a little lost of what the problem could be.
If anyone has anything else I could try, please let me know.. Seems as if my drive just doesn't like the additional data from an overburned disc, but not sure what else could be the problem.
7. November 2011 @ 20:42 |
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Just wanted to let every one here know that I seemed to have fixed my problem. I reburned the exact same .ISO file that I burned with my desktop pc. but this time, I burned with my laptop pc, which has a totally different burner, IMG Burn 2.5.6, on the same Verbatim 2.4x discs, and I am playing on the same 360 that was giving me issues and the game is playing flawlessly and has been for almost 2 hours. So, I assume that the problem was the burner in my desktop pc cause after i burned with a different drive, there is no problems. Oh yeah, the disc is truncated and there still is no prolems. Thanks guys for all of your help. It is VERY much appreciated.
Junior Member
8. November 2011 @ 11:34 |
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you need to use burner max fw to burn ur games. if u dont feel like doing that then you cant play lol ! truncate method is garbage. just buy an ihas drive from newegg and an enclosure. probably 40-50 bucks. takes 2 days to get to your house and another 10 minutes to flash it. stop being lazy guys.
8. November 2011 @ 18:27 |
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Has nothing to do about being lazy and truncate isn't garbage, it works for every game except one so far. If someone has a issue with it then they can get the new burner but for the rest of us, we are not mindless sheep who has to get something because c4 said so.
Senior Member
8. November 2011 @ 18:41 |
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Originally posted by 360lifer: Has nothing to do about being lazy and truncate isn't garbage, it works for every game except one so far. If someone has a issue with it then they can get the new burner but for the rest of us, we are not mindless sheep who has to get something because c4 said so.
It's not being mindless. It makes far more sense to burn 100% of the ISO to disc instead of 97% and burners cost $20.
1. MS will know that there's loads of pirates playing truncated burns, so they could come up with a method of detecting that over Live or in a future dashboard update.
2. The next version of abgx360 will support the original ISOs and ISOs ripped from a 100% burn, but will it support truncated ISOs and discs? I doubt it. Unless you've kept all of your original untouched ISOs, you won't be able to patch your games when the DAE table is updated.
3. At least 1 game doesn't work properly unless you burn it 100%. If there's not already others that don't work, there no doubt will be as MS don't create new protection just to use it with one game.
4. If you want to get an xk3y or whatever in the future, if you burned 100% of the game to disc you can just rip it to an ISO and it'll work with the drive emulator.
You're far better off spending $20 now and burning ISOs fully instead of chopping the end of them off, cos not doing that is the "mindless" choice.
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8. November 2011 @ 19:13 |
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I don't see why MS will care if you burn 97% or 100%, they still will create any new defense that will impact both.
Once I burn a game and play it, thats it, I don't normally go back and play it so that has zero effect on me.
There is always the chance that the next new game will be like Forza 4 or that they'll have something completely new that screws even the MAX burners.
Again, if I burn a disc then I Play that disc, I don't mass burn 20 then slowly go thru the list. So any game I will play with the x360key will be a game I've not played nor burn so no issue there.
So $20-30 for the drive then $60ish for the right verbs? Might as well buy an x360key which I will be doing later this year.
Ya know, I ain't trying to dis all the MAX people but its like the great verb vs memorex debate from three years ago. Yes, the verbs/MAX work the best but for some of us, its not needed and not always the answer to every issue.
Senior Member
8. November 2011 @ 19:19 |
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Originally posted by 360lifer: I don't see why MS will care if you burn 97% or 100%, they still will create any new defense that will impact both.
Forza 4 proves that that's not necessarily the case as it only affects people that truncated the ISO.
If you're only playing single player and then never going back to the game, then fine, but a lot of people aren't doing that, especially with games like MW3 and Battlefield 3 where most people play them online for months on end and it's those games that this thread is about.
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8. November 2011 @ 19:24 |
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well people are getting memorex to work but I can't get the mirror discs I've used for over a year to work on my new burner with burner max on xdg3 games properly but it works with verbs. If people have memorex working surely I can get these mirror discs working somehow.

XBOX360 Falcon console with Lite-On 74850C
PS3 80gb phat model with 120gb hdd
PS3 60gb model
PS3 modded on 3.55
Senior Member
8. November 2011 @ 19:28 |
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Originally posted by steo2k8: If people have memorex working surely I can get these mirror discs working somehow.
It depends on the quality of the dye they use, the overall quality of the disc, and how well the burner's write strategies have been tuned for that particular media ID. Just because one brand works, it doesn't mean another will.
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8. November 2011 @ 19:37 |
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Originally posted by funksoulb: Originally posted by steo2k8: If people have memorex working surely I can get these mirror discs working somehow.
It depends on the quality of the dye they use, the overall quality of the disc, and how well the burner's write strategies have been tuned for that particular media ID. Just because one brand works, it doesn't mean another will.
I've used these with no problem for a long time but saying that XDG3 is different and these discs probably don't help with the 360's laser in any way. I don't mind buying verbs but the problem is I have a good few of these discs left and they're useless now if they don't work, suppose I could just burn some good popular XDG2 games on them if I can't get them to work. I was trying MrGreasers method and the game just about worked but with bad PI, but that's for memorex so mine are probably that different that they won't work properly that way.

XBOX360 Falcon console with Lite-On 74850C
PS3 80gb phat model with 120gb hdd
PS3 60gb model
PS3 modded on 3.55
Junior Member
8. November 2011 @ 19:49 |
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Originally posted by Ekirred: I am having similar issues to the original poster. My drive is the Lite-on D12 one, 7xxxxC (sorry, not at home right now - can't confirm exact model) - flashed with latest iXtreme LT 2.0. My burner is the iHAS 224 B updated with the newest burner max. Burned at 2.4x w/ verbatim disc, 001. Attempted two burns of call of duty mw3, both different ISOs, similar result:
Game loads up with no issues, after about 3-5 minutes I receive dirty disc error. The first disc happens almost immediately (1 minute), while the second disc will happen after maybe 5 minutes. I can hear the drive stop spinning, then maybe 2 seconds later the error pops up and kicks me back to the dash.
My old games work with no issues, play fine never giving the error. I will need to check the disc results with the kprobe tool, but I am a little lost of what the problem could be.
If anyone has anything else I could try, please let me know.. Seems as if my drive just doesn't like the additional data from an overburned disc, but not sure what else could be the problem.
sounds like your getting high PI and PIF results, try using mrgreasers guide worked wonders for me, however it seems like its hit or miss for some...but its definitely worth trying
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 8. November 2011 @ 19:52
8. November 2011 @ 21:01 |
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You are not alone!
Have MW3 dirty disc issues. Got it twice whilst playing for 2 hours. All other games XDG3 games are ok so far for me including BF3/Batman/GOW3.
Think this is another one like Forza 4. However puzzling is I have burnt it 100% using burner max. So think it has a CIV check missing on the actual P2P ISO. Will try downloading the scene release rather than the P2P one to see if it is any better...
Using verbatims MKM003 at 2.4x (not 4x) 100% burnt and 100% verified using IMGburn
Anyone else suffering same problem dirty disk error on MW3? May not pop up immediately...
Update - loads of ppl who have the original/retail version are having issues as well with it! Try installing onto HDD if you can.
Update 2 - Scene release suffers the same problems.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 8. November 2011 @ 21:17
Senior Member
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8. November 2011 @ 21:07 |
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Originally posted by catdog3: You are not alone!
Have MW3 dirty disc issues. Got it twice whilst playing for 2 hours. All other games XDG3 games are ok so far for me including BF3/Batman/GOW3.
Think this is another one like Forza 4. However puzzling is I have burnt it 100% using burner max. So think it has a CIV check missing on the actual P2P ISO. Will try downloading the scene release rather than the P2P one to see if it is any better...
Using verbatims 2.4x 100% burnt and 100% verified using IMGburn
Anyone else suffering same problem dirty disk error on MW3? May not pop up immediately...
I get it in campaign just as you get brought in on the stretcher but I got a scene release so idk. XDG3 must just need the better discs (media) to work properly.
Also verbatim 2.4x are MKM-001 which people had trouble with, they had to use MKM-003 verbatim media to get good results.

XBOX360 Falcon console with Lite-On 74850C
PS3 80gb phat model with 120gb hdd
PS3 60gb model
PS3 modded on 3.55
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 8. November 2011 @ 21:10
Junior Member
8. November 2011 @ 21:21 |
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is it installing fine to your HD? or are you playing from the disc?