Red ring (single in sector 2) came up after a 3 ring about a month ago.
At that time I did the washer fix, but always wanted to redo it, since I had used the method that flexes the MB because of the screw heads. I thought that at some point I would take it appart and maybe drill the holes (8) to allow the space needed to keep it from flexing.
Since my Wagner heatgun had just gotten here, I went ahad and reflowed (my first attempt) using foil shielding on the caps, etc... 1 min on low for the back, four on high for the front. Then I cut out the whole area of the frame below the xclamps, rather than drill, since I may also want to add cooling on this machine in the front and back possibly.
But the reflow and cut out worked great! I had never heard of anyone doing the cut out, so -- here's a pic.
You can look closely, and see the beginning of the holes being drilled, before I just went ahead and cut it all out.
Originally posted by palwill: lets hope it doesnt come back for a while.
I second that hope of long lasting success.
But on the upside, this is one of 8 cracked machines that I maintain for a work "after hours" LAN. So, there are seldom times when they are all being used at the same time.