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4. February 2011 @ 16:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Anyone else play the demo? What are your thoughts? I've been a fan of the fight night series since FN2004. I've always use the buttons since it was hard to be precise with the joystick. But with this new one I noticed using the buttons isn't as responsive as using the joystick especially with the uppercut. So now I've switched to using the joystick and can do so pretty accurately. It seems like it's going to be a good improvement for the franchise. I can tell I still have to get use to some of the new mechanics but I'm sure with time I'' get use to it. The champion story mode seems cool makes it more interesting reminds me of Def Jam fight for NY. That was a good game. Anyways I thought I switch it up a bit in here got tired of seeing nothing but flashing, burning, patching problems. ect..

1 product review
7. February 2011 @ 14:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
the only thing I like is the champion story, the rest is crap, constant one round knock out is going to make it like UFC 2010 and that was terrible. I think its the other way around especially with jabs, with the joy pad it seems to produce some kind of hook or not a fully extended jab.

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Junior Member
7. February 2011 @ 15:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
That's because they have added an extra punch which is in between a hook and jab. If you go up at about a 45 degree angle you throw this new punch. To throw a straight jab you have to go up at about a 75-80 degree angle. But I can see where it's easy to get these two precise while fighting. I haven't really experienced too many one round knock outs unless you really getting your ass handed to you in a fight......

1 product review
7. February 2011 @ 19:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
it's not even that, it's just inconsistent. I was fighting a friend as Mike Tyson and he was Tyson, I got him stunned, I completely murdering him, and he lands one uppercut, wasn't even a power shot, flash knock down. I was landing punches on his face the entire round. So far on-line players have lagged so much am suspecting either there internet it really shit, or there using crap to make there connection lag. I don't mind the new punch mechanic, but some things like that uppercut don't really deserve a knock down, then again it is only a demo, and I know I will buy the full game if only to scratch that itch and play legacy mode, am looking forward to bare knuckle boxing

please if your asking about xbox 360 firmware, LT+, how to cut and solder, what drive you have and such check this PDF file
7. February 2011 @ 19:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i still think round 3 is the best they have had but ill have to check out the demo im not into the joystick control
Junior Member
8. February 2011 @ 08:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Oh ok I see what you saying, maybe they will adjust that on the actual full game but I know your more likely to go down in one hit if you happen to be leaning into the punch as you get hit, or maybe that happens to even out the fight since you were beating him badly who knows. Is is just me or does this game feel kinda arcadish? It just seems like its a lot faster and your just throwing punches like crazy not so much the tactical type fighting of round 4. And yeah I agree round 3 was my favorite I think I just try to adjust to the new ones and make myself like em. > forums > consoles > xbox 360 - modding & hacking > fight night champion

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