might be stupid, but is there a safe way to transfer game saves from a HDD used on a JTAG console to a different HDD that is used online on a "safe" console (LT+1.1)?
ok, another question, to make it easier to explain, lets say game1 is saved on Console A on profile name BOB. If I wanted to move game1 over to console B under profile name ROY is that possible or would it just show up as belonging to profile BOB and would any data show up from the JTAG that would potentially get profile ROY banned on LIVE?
As far as I know, the save is just a save on the hdd, not actually linked to a specific profile. As for achievements, any earned on a different profile will not transfer to the new profile.
I've searched around a lot for being banned for transferring from jtag to non jtag and I've come to the conclusion that you can't be banned for it. The saves are the same as they would be on a non jtag, as long as they're not modified you should be fine.
Originally posted by ffocus06: As far as I know, the save is just a save on the hdd, not actually linked to a specific profile. As for achievements, any earned on a different profile will not transfer to the new profile.
I've searched around a lot for being banned for transferring from jtag to non jtag and I've come to the conclusion that you can't be banned for it. The saves are the same as they would be on a non jtag, as long as they're not modified you should be fine.
ok, that's pretty much what I was wondering. Have a bunch of gamesaves/achievements from my JTAG console on the HDD I use for it under a different profile than I use on my "safe" console and was hoping to transfer all those achievements/ game saves to my online profile. guess, that's out of the question at least as far as achievements go.... there has to be a way to edit some data somewhere on HDD that links the achievements to one profile and replace it with data to link to other. I'm sure its encrypted, but there has to be some way to do it..... any geniuses out there???
Every game save is linked to a profile. Look up the program called "CONcept" it's very easy to use. You use it to link your profile to any gamesave. You must be careful. Some gamesave will cause profile 2 to instantly load achievments that have been earned on one profile and not another and if someone complains about it, they may reset your score if they are big jumps.