I tried flashing my liteon back to stock on something happened along the way and now the drive cannot be recognized by the pc and is non-responsive. When I click intro/device ID and power cycle the drive, get 0x80, 0x52 & 0xd2...it changes every time i power cycle the drive.
Originally posted by kerney: I tried flashing my liteon back to stock on something happened along the way and now the drive cannot be recognized by the pc and is non-responsive. When I click intro/device ID and power cycle the drive, get 0x80, 0x52 & 0xd2...it changes every time i power cycle the drive.
any sugguestions
how many times do you power cycle,should only do it twice,once it gets to 0x80,do the cycle,then you should see 0xD2,do one more time and it should then be 0x72,,