So I am wanting to soft mod my original Xbox. First I tried the "IDE hot swap while booting off of a Lynix disk" thing on an old computer(With the lynix disk as the ONLY boot option available). I turned my xbox(It is apart on the floor) and the Pc(also apart on the floor) on. I let them boot up, the Pc comes up with the xboxhdm thing and by now my HDD in my xbox is "unlocked"(did music test). I plug the xboxs hdd into the computer(quickly), hit "1" on the keyboard and it goes. A bunch of text scrolls, theres a penguin and then my screen goes dark and stays dark for 2+hours with no change. Redoing above steps but swapping the xboxs hdd more slowly results in it looping saying it cannot find a hardrive to use until I power it down. So I gave up on that.I did this on a system that had Win98 as an OS, because it was the most recent OS when the computer was used. This is the video I was watching how to do it from
Next I figured I would try the "injection" through flash drive thing. I broke open a new-to-me g1 xbox controller and soldered a female USB plug into it. Next I played splinter cell(using my newly modified controller) until the game let me save. I go to the dashboard, plug in my USB drive, and it gets formatted. I go to "memory" and it finds my drive. I move my save of splinter cell to my thumb drive and unplug it. I plug it into the computer and open up xplorer360. I tell it to search for fatx drives and it says it finds none. I turn of UAC, run as admin and run xpsp2 compatibility. Same thing. I try the USB 1 port in the back of my gaming tower, still no fatx. I download another program (USBXTAFGUI_v36.exe) and run through all the above steps again, still nothing. This program also had a manual mode. when I use it and click my drive, windows asks me if I want to format. So then I torrent the installer for action replay and run it. It doesnt show any drives on the the left side of the screen. Admin, xpsp2, USB 1 and still no results. ALL OF THE ABOVE WAS DONE ON A WINDOWS 7, 64 BIT SYSTEM
This is what I was using
So I pull out an old laptop still running xp, put the 3 programs on another thumb drive and plug both of them into the old lap top. xplorer and AR both turn up empty again and the third doesnt run. Do admin and still nothing. I just want to be able to play some burned games, and I dont really care what new dashboard I use. Any halp/suggestions will be appreciated.