Hey guys its been a while since I have been on here. I was wondering if any one could help me start ff again , I have the connectivity v3 usb pro that i bought a year ago. I also have the lite on drive on a new xbox 360 from last year that i hoarded since last xmas , i have gotten the new jungle flasher any comments or opinions?
Wouldn't recommend that, there are far too many out of data guides on both YouTube and Google, just get the latest jungleflasher guide and you know your getting the info direct from its source
i finally go the guts and flashed it, everything came out great, but why cant i play my back up games like need for speed hot pursuit or assassins creed, any suggestions? the real games work but not the back ups
Originally posted by jgonzal: i finally go the guts and flashed it, everything came out great, but why cant i play my back up games like need for speed hot pursuit or assassins creed, any suggestions? the real games work but not the back ups
Originally posted by jgonzal: i finally go the guts and flashed it, everything came out great, but why cant i play my back up games like need for speed hot pursuit or assassins creed, any suggestions? the real games work but not the back ups
everything must not be great if your backups dont play.run your images through abgx before you burn them and set abgx to level 3 to auto patch everything for you.
and make sure you download the NEWEST version of abgx360. change verbosity level to high so you see everything that is going on, make sure everything is green and it shows it is SSV2 NOT ssv1, if 1 go to abgx360.net and click "verified" on left side, search for your game, and download the SS and DMI files and manually patch using abgx360. both games you mentioned are included in the I believe 6 right now that are AP25 and will not play on LT+ 1.1 without being patched through abgx360(for online safety reasons)