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Please help me problem-solvers!
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5. May 2011 @ 01:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I am in a weird situation:

Recently, my friend gave me a copy of Mortal Kombat to play. It forced me to update my dashboard, which I did, but it worked.

My friend usually handles all the modding stuff, but I didn't want to bother my friend with modding stuff anymore, so I got my hands on a copy of Dynasty Warriors 7. But after I burnt it to a Verbatim DVD+ DL, my XBOX360 indicated that "the disc was unreadable". I've read all the tutorials, and stickies, but I haven't been able to identify my problem.

Mortal Kombat (the new one) works, but Dynasty Warriors 7 does not.
I checked using ABG and found that Dynasty Warriors 7 is PAL, as is my XBOX360 console.
So what exactly am I doing wrong?

Is it the firmware (of which I have no idea what version I am on)?
Or did I not burn the disc properly?

Information that I have no idea whether or not is useful:
My XBOX360 is PAL
Dynasty Warriors 7 is PAL
I use an "activate" disc before I am able to play a game.
I have a Lite-ON XBOX360 drive
I used a Verbatim DVD+R DL disc for Dynasty Warriors 7
Mortal Kombat runs fine.
I am on the newest dashboard.
I got my console modded before or just when Gears of War 2 came out.
I have no idea what firmware I am on.

Thanks in advance.
5. May 2011 @ 02:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
sounds like you have ix1.5
you could try 360 waves patcher
or flash your drive with new lt+ firmware
Senior Member
5. May 2011 @ 02:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

5. May 2011 @ 05:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I don't use XBL and since flashing is so complicated, I thought probably best if I stick to the Wave Patcher.

So I patched the game, which was Wave 11, down to Wave 3.
I then burnt it to the Verbatim DVD+R DL but when I put it in, the XBOX360 was stuck on "reading disc". I put something else in and the console read it immediately.

I threw the post-patched .iso file into ABGx360 and this stuff came up:

\\//\\//\\//\\//\\/█\\//\ \ \/ /┌─┐┌─┐┌─┐\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\
//\\//\\//\\//\█▀█\█▀█\█▀█/ /\ \ ─┤├─┐│ │//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//
Checking for updates to abgx360.dat...
Server file abgx360.dat no newer than local file - not retrieving

D:\ISOs\Dynasty_Warriors_7\icon-dw7-x360.dvd is valid

Checking Game
ISO: "D:\ISOs\Dynasty_Warriors_7\icon-dw7-x360.iso"
Size: 7838695424 bytes
Files in ISO: 38, Folders in ISO: 3
Total bytes used: 6647705236 (91.08%)
Game appears to have random padding

Checking default.xex
Original PE Filename: DW7_xb2_ltcg_EU.exe
Original PE Timestamp: 2011/02/21 17:16:07
No Avatar Awards
Achievements: 50 Achievements totaling 1000 Gamerscore
XEX CRC = 43DF61C1
XEX Media ID: CF4765ADBC528AB70C5BDDEB-20CE9A73

Region Code: 0x00FF0000

Checking SS
Timestamp of Authoring: 2011/02/28 00:00:00
Timestamp of Mastering: 2011/03/17 18:36:43
SS Version: 1
SS CRC = B74AA7AB (RawSS = 86A5BFFC)
SS Media ID: CF4765ADBC528AB70C5BDDEB-20CE9A73 (matches game)
SS looks valid

Checking DMI
Timestamp of Authoring: 2011/02/28 00:00:00 (matches SS)
DMI CRC = 330B867A
DMI Media ID: CF4765ADBC528AB70C5BDDEB-20CE9A73 (matches game)
DMI looks valid

Checking PFI
PFI matches known data (3rd Wave)

Video partition found
Video CRC = 0E58FB9D (V0 = CF942E7B, V1 = 4809B37A)
Video partition matches known data (3rd Wave)

Basic Stealth check passed!

Starting Verification
Looking for B74AA7AB43DF61C1.ini in the online verified database
Server file B74AA7AB43DF61C1.ini no newer than local file - not retrieving

Using B74AA7AB43DF61C1.ini (361 bytes)
Video CRC does not match!
V0 CRC does not match!
V1 CRC does not match!
PFI CRC does not match!
DMI CRC matches
SS CRC matches
Xex CRC matches

Checking Game CRC... (press Q to cancel)
Percent Elapsed Estimated Time Average Current Errors Total
Done Time Time Left Speed Speed Recovered Retries
100% 1:03 1:03 0:00 109.1 MB/s 113.3 MB/s

AnyDVD style corruption was not detected
Game CRC = 7B0232BC (matches)

Verification failed

Starting AutoFix
Looking for Xex_43DF61C1.ini in the online verified database
Downloading Xex_43DF61C1.ini
100% [================================>] 9 0.6 KB/s ETA 00:00
Xex_43DF61C1.ini was downloaded successfully
Looking for B74AA7AB43DF61C1.ini in the online verified database
Server file B74AA7AB43DF61C1.ini no newer than local file - not retrieving

Using B74AA7AB43DF61C1.ini (361 bytes)
Looking for PFI_E18BC70B.bin in the online verified database
Downloading PFI_E18BC70B.bin
100% [================================>] 51 3.1 KB/s ETA 00:00
PFI_E18BC70B.bin was downloaded successfully
Verifying PFI_E18BC70B.bin is valid before using it for AutoFix

Checking PFI
PFI matches known data (10th - 11th Wave)

Failed to find or open 'Video_BA47FD12.iso' (No such file or directory)
This is a very large video partition that isn't hosted on the database...
You will have to find it elsewhere and put it in your StealthFiles folder -
Check the Download page on
AutoFix Failed, PFI/Video is still bad

Comparing L1 Video on L0 to L1 Video on L1... SplitVid is invalid, fixing...
SplitVid was added successfully!

Press any key to exit . . .

Is it safe for me to burn it now? Or was this simply a burn error and I should just try to burn again? I caught a glimpse of Imgburn and it told me that it was forced to burn at around 4x instead of my preferred 2.8x.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 5. May 2011 @ 05:51

5. May 2011 @ 05:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Did some searching and I stumbled across this:

Apparently I need it for Wave 3 games. I'll give it a try now and see if it works.


No I'm still clueless.
I ran it through ABGx first, and now through WavesPatcher.
It is on Wave 3 now.
Should I just try burning again?

Just to retrace my steps:
Ran through ABGx, everything is.. successful. Reverted the iso file back to Wave 11.
Ran through WavesPatcher, changed from Wave 11 to Wave 3.

Did I miss anything? Should I just try burning again?

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 5. May 2011 @ 06:16

Junior Member
5. May 2011 @ 06:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
try updating your fw to the latest one...
the latest version alows games to be booted without a wave disk or activate.iso

<<<<code red>>>

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 5. May 2011 @ 06:55

5. May 2011 @ 07:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I figured out my problem.
I didn't layer break my disc properly when I used ImgBurn!

Now it works, I can play without the activate.iso.

Thanks for help.
5. May 2011 @ 13:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
It's odd that the .dvd file wasn't automatically setting your layer break(that's actualy all it does). You should have a .iso file and an identical .dvd file in the same folder(abgx360 creates a .dvd file if you don't have one). When you burn the disc you choose the .dvd file and boom layer break. > forums > consoles > xbox 360 - modding & hacking > please help me problem-solvers!

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