Hey guys i need some help replacing my dvd drive, its a benq i just wanna replace it with anoher benq but dont want to have to solder anything (usually ends up with me fuckin something up worse) i looked into using jungle flasher to do it and im pretty sure i could do it, my real question here is how I would connect the Dvd drive to my laptop (no desktop available), I found a Usb to Sata port and Usb to Sata cord on ebay, would either of these work for me?
well i bough my xbox off my girlffriends brother, the drive jams a bit and he sawed off the feet it has (where the screws go through), also it wont open at all when i stand it vertically, I dont understand why they didnt make it easier to swap drives -_-
Originally posted by DankAura420: well i bough my xbox off my girlffriends brother, the drive jams a bit and he sawed off the feet it has (where the screws go through), also it wont open at all when i stand it vertically, I dont understand why they didnt make it easier to swap drives -_-
that looks pretty damn useful but i would have to pay 60$ for that device and the actual drive will cost me 30$, I dont have to much cash im looking for something cheap... if i cant find anything i will definitely take that into consideration though