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swapping broken lite-on dvd drive for new hitachi drive please help
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10. May 2011 @ 20:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok, i am new to swapping things out with the xbox360 console, i have a good computer background and electronics knowledge.

here is what i got.. xbox360 pro (60 gig model with hdmi)
the dvd drive is bad.. wont read discs or spin them, but it comes on still and will open from the dashboard.
I bought a new hitachi-lg dvd drive rom ver. 0059DJ
My original is a Lite-on model number. DG-16D2S --
I was reading all over the internet how i have to dump the rom off the original and flash it to the new one in order for it to play.

If anyone could please give me directions/info to get this done that would be greatly appreciated.

sorry if this is in another thread but i couldnt find it anywhere..

Thanks in advance

I do have a pc with sata ports on motherboard running windows 7 ultimate if that helps anyone with bringing me a result faster.
AfterDawn Addict
10. May 2011 @ 21:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You have to dump the key from the Lite-On and flash it to the Hitachi. This is called "spoofing the Hitachi as a Lite-On". Spoofing will most likely lead to an instant ban from live.

A better bet would have been the order a new laser for your Lite-On.

AfterDawn Addict
11. May 2011 @ 16:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
well your first mistake was buying an Hitcrapi. You bought the worst drive ever. Why didn't you just buy the same drive? You could have then simply swapped the pcb if you didn't know how to dump and flash. Since you don't probably have the tools, this would have been your best option.
11. May 2011 @ 19:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
If I knew that would of been like that I would of bought that drive out of the rip. But I can't return it so my next step is to just proceed with the steps to do the dump and reprogramming. What all do I need and where can I find the correct software to get
This done. Thanks
12. May 2011 @ 01:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
just remember if you do this you WILL get banned from live
Junior Member
12. May 2011 @ 10:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by cooll903:
just remember if you do this you WILL get banned from live
Yes, this very improatant to understnad. Spoofing drives is detectable and will result in a ban.

On a side note: I have never had any problem with my Hitachi drives. They are kind of a pain to get into mode-B, unlock, read, and then flash. After they are done, they seem to work well for me.(I have 4 consoles with Hitachi drives)
12. May 2011 @ 11:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I don't play on live any ways. I use ps3 for online gaming whenever their network is back up and running of corse. So what are my next steps.
Junior Member
12. May 2011 @ 11:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The tutorial you want is located on the Jungle Flasher website. (Jungle Flasher is the program you need to extract your drive keys).

The tutorial will walk you through each step in extracting your drive keys for each drive. However, your process will be different. I will do my best to outline what steps you have to take.

1. Follow the instrctions on how to extract the key from your Liteon drive.
2. Once you have the key, stop the tutorial, you do not need to write anything to the broken Liteon drive.
3. Go back to the start of the tutorial and do the same thing for your hitachi drive.
4. This time DO NOT SKIP the writing portion of the tutorial.
5. When you get to the part where you are going to write FW to your drive, you will need to use the key you extracted from your Liteon drive in steps 1 and 2
6. After the correct key has been loaded, you will want to go to the 'Spoofing' portion of the tutorial.
7. You will want to spoof your NEW Hitachi drive as the same model and FW revision as you OLD Liteon drive.

If all of this is done correctlym you will be fine to play OFFLINE. If this console goes on Xbox live, it will be banned.

In addition,with the new dash, you will probably run into issues. The console will see you have a Liteon drive and try to flash it with Liteon firmware when, in-fact, the drive you have in there is a Hitachi. This will probably leave your console unable to play any games.

With all of this being said, the best route to get a new Liteon drive and move the PCB from your old drive, to your new one. (unless it is your PCB that is bad. Then you will need to follow the JF tutorial for Liteon drives)

This post got real long, real fast. I hope you can folllow all of it! > forums > consoles > xbox 360 - modding & hacking > swapping broken lite-on dvd drive for new hitachi drive please help

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