would it be safe to play deadspace 2 Ignition(xbla) on my JTAG console and save to my HDD/profile that I use on my LIVE account on my other safe console? Or would it somehow show up that my profile played a game I never bought and ban me?
I have also seen DLC that are suit and weapon packs, would it be safe to take my LIVE profile/HDD and using it on my jtag console and adding those DLC packs to it, then using it on my other console on XBL without being flagged?
Well cant promise you wont be banned but I do just not excessive. I got 300 xbla games not including game add-ons, and probably only played 12-15 on live account. I've done this for about a year now.
Just because you never brought the DLC on your console, whats to say you didnt go round a freinds and play the dlc/xbla title on there console, with your profile.
It would still work.
I have used my live profile on all of my DLC and XBLA and have not received a ban.
Had a jtag since the day or 2 after they became popular.
Always flicking back between Jtag and Live console, with profile & alot of saves on Memory Card.
Originally posted by SeriousEh: Just because you never brought the DLC on your console, whats to say you didnt go round a freinds and play the dlc/xbla title on there console, with your profile.
It would still work.
I have used my live profile on all of my DLC and XBLA and have not received a ban.
Had a jtag since the day or 2 after they became popular.
Always flicking back between Jtag and Live console, with profile & alot of saves on Memory Card.
Ok, that sounds like the answer I was hoping for. How long have you been doing that? 2yrs + ? Just wondering if it has been since before the big ban waves
Originally posted by SeriousEh: Just because you never brought the DLC on your console, whats to say you didnt go round a freinds and play the dlc/xbla title on there console, with your profile.
It would still work.
I have used my live profile on all of my DLC and XBLA and have not received a ban.
Had a jtag since the day or 2 after they became popular.
Always flicking back between Jtag and Live console, with profile & alot of saves on Memory Card.
I'm sure the serial number can be traced to the xbox that you are playing the dlc on, and saved in the .gpd file of that game in your profile. Then all they have to do is see if that xbox has a license to run that game or not, but still all you can do is play and find out. Don't think they're going to bother since it is already too much other stuff to worry about, and they know they could lose that $50 a year for live, and wont stop you from playing xbla anyways.
thats what I was thinking.... there has to be a way to trace/check the license, etc but why would they care? I mean, I understand them trying to ban people from hacking on LIVE because it ruins the experience for non-hacking players (although their true motivation is to cut off playing non-purchased backups) but I don't forsee anyone hacking on XBLA games trying to run the leaderboards, etc. I really don't see how there is any positive motivation for messing with xbla game piracy since they are all gravy for them anyway since they don't have any cost for production of media, just transmitting a digital file. Its not like they lose that $60 potential profit for a retail disc everytime someone copies one.