Hi, Ive fix a few xbox's but having a problem with my own one. I got it with the E71 error so did the x-clamp fix and was fine but about 4 months late i got 2 red rings. I opened it up and cleaned the old paste off and put some new paste on and did the xbox back up. Turned it on and it was fine for 5-10 mins then the fans turned off and 2 red rings again. this keeps happening, its fine for 10 mins then it goes again. What else can I do? and would it be worth cleaning it up and putting paste on and really tighting the screws all again?
Its 0013 secondary error, just re did x-clamp but still no luck so I guess it needs reflow. is a heat gun ok to do that
Thankyou for the reply. I've tried loosing and tighting but no luck. today I turned it on and just tried starting a game, was playing it fine for 30 mins then turned it of. Tried it again just now but its doing the 2 rrod again. Now it flashes stright away instead of after 10 mins but the console is not getting hot, if I try later I'm sure it will stay on for 10 mins before it starts playing up again. Any ideas?
there is a circuit that you can bypass, you would have to do some research to figure out which and how, but it bypasses the heat sensor, that will most likely do it for you!
Thankyou for that info, I did look that up but I did some more testing on the xbox and tried a few different things. I found out the xbox is getting hot so I was wrong about that, infact it gets hot pretty quick. After doing a few things tho the xbox is acting a little different now. It starts up but straight to 3 red rings instead then after a few minutes it then goes to the red rings and the fans go crazy and it turns its self off. Can any suggest why and if this is a fixable xbox or not.