I jacked this thread from the Xk3y forums, Grassmink was kind enough to start this over there!
Quote:There's a few threads (and one monster thread) about the xbox 360 resetting every 10-15 minutes after installing the Xkey. To save everyone some time the short answer to your problem is:
Contact your supplier and return your Xk3y for a refund.
There is currently no fix to the problem and the developers haven't come out addressing the issue because it's sporadic and only seems to affect 1 out of every 500 360s. There may be a solution in the future but we need your help in gathering as much information as possible.
Drive Type: Please try and be as detailed as possible. Bad: "I don't know what kind of drive it is". Good: Liteon. Better: Liteon 74850C w/ 02510C ofw. If you don't know the details but only know the type just put the type you don't need to say "Liteon but I don't know the firmware or type"
360 Revision: This is the version of your motherboard. To get that look at your power connector:
Differences between Xenon/Zephyr: Zephyr has HDMI, Xenon does not. Difference between Falcon/Opus: Falcon has HDMI, Opus does not.
Xk3y revision: Again, try and be specific here but since there's only two revisions any thing here is good enough
Firmware: List out the firmware versions you tried and failed.
Comments: Things you tried that didn't (or did) work for you.
I have this issue with mine but have yet to try it with my liteon! Waiting on RMA from canada mods.
I have read that some people had this issue becasue they were using the wrong power supply. You know someone has multiple xbox's and decided to be lazy and use a Falcon power supply for there Xenon.
Im just writing what i read. most have reported trying a different console almost always works. I will be testing that theory as soon as new abgx is done or the disc profile site is done.
Quote:by Leyzi Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:02 pm
Hi, I might have a solution, or at least it worked for me. At first I had the reset problem on my Hitchi 47 with Xenon board, So I decided to try it on my Hitachi 79 with Zephyr board aswell. Problem was I used the Xenon PSU cable (V85) on both of the Xboxes and still had the reset glitch, so then in haste I switched it to the Zephyr PSU cable (V85C) and atm I've had the xbox on and running for 12 hours on 1st day and 6 hours the others without reset. As i said it might not be a solution for everyone but it appears to have worked for me. Might also explain why it has worked on some xboxes, since every motherboard doesn't have the same PSU cable. And I'm not talking about the cable between the psu and xbox but the so called PSU (the big "lump" that shines green and orange depending on wether you're playing or in standby, for those of you who doesn't know what a PSU is)
Originally posted by Co45: I have this issue with mine but have yet to try it with my liteon! Waiting on RMA from canada mods.
I have read that some people had this issue becasue they were using the wrong power supply. You know someone has multiple xbox's and decided to be lazy and use a Falcon power supply for there Xenon.
You can't use a falcon on a xenon it does not fit only xenon fits all
Originally posted by Co45: I have this issue with mine but have yet to try it with my liteon! Waiting on RMA from canada mods.
I have read that some people had this issue becasue they were using the wrong power supply. You know someone has multiple xbox's and decided to be lazy and use a Falcon power supply for there Xenon.
You can't use a falcon on a xenon it does not fit only xenon fits all