Originally posted by bigo93: Yeah it's only the 30xx and some of the 25xx models that cant be downgraded or hacked.
Thanks for the quick response.
I have been trawling through the forums and cannot seem to find a definitive way to achieve this - is somebody able to point me in the right direction?
Originally posted by Vegemiteman: I have been trawling through the forums...
Have you really? Cos there is info all over the web, a simple google search will point you in the right direction. Or even reading the 22nd thread after the stickies in this forum section.
Now I like to help people, but when they claim to have tried searching themselves and not found anything when there is info plastered all over other forums and the web, well it just shows they either are really bad at searching or didnt bother.
Originally posted by bigo93: *sigh*
Have you really? Cos there is info all over the web, a simple google search will point you in the right direction. Or even reading the 22nd thread after the stickies in this forum section.
OK maybe I worded it wrong - the information is there, but I dont know what to do with it.
Most of the forums posts are about people having issues. Then there are the ones talking about 3.60 or 3.70 - can I use those methods on a 3.73? And which option should I take? Do I softmod it or do I get one of these e3flashers things I keep reading about? Which is the best option for me?
I have virtually no experience with modding - I had an original Xbox that was chipped, but I paid someone to do that.
You need a downgrader, eg e3flashers, progskeet, teensy. Then look around for the tutorial you need for whichever you get and follow it.
You cannot softmod firmware above 3.56 yet, those must be downgraded.
Installing cfw is softmodding your ps3, but in order to do that you have to be on 3.55 so you need a downgrader if you are above.
Best thing is to wait until the New Year, see if anything comes out, lots of chatter on the scene with lots of rumours, but we dont know anything solid yet.
Originally posted by bigo93: You need a downgrader, eg e3flashers, progskeet, teensy. Then look around for the tutorial you need for whichever you get and follow it.
You cannot softmod firmware above 3.56 yet, those must be downgraded.
Installing cfw is softmodding your ps3, but in order to do that you have to be on 3.55 so you need a downgrader if you are above.
Best thing is to wait until the New Year, see if anything comes out, lots of chatter on the scene with lots of rumours, but we dont know anything solid yet.
very good suggestion. thanks for that. basically my problem was also the same as described above. anyways it doesnt matter to wait for a month for the new year right!! bieng optimistic get things done.