I opened the drive to clean it, and when i put it back together, nothing, it want pull in dvds or cds, neither motor will spin (unless i put my contuity tester on it then they do). the laser doesnt light (just brought and installed a new one same things are happening. could this be cause the cable to the motherboard iz bad, any tips or help would be great
I have the same problem.Let me give more details in order for someone to help us.
I've tried everything software related.(File System,Database,Restore). Nothing Worked.I found a video from a guy where he moved the laser away from the black spinner and then he powered on his ps3. The laser moved next to the black spinner and the black spinner started to spin very fast for a few seconds.He replaced his lens and now his system works fine.
My problem is that when i power on my ps3, the laser moves next to the black spinner, but the spinner does not spin at all.My laser does not emit any light at all.
No spin,no laser light, just 4-5 clicking sounds.
Could it be the drive control board?
This thing really drives me crazy...how should i buy a replacement if i dunno which is the faulty one?
Edit: I also found on youtube this
What you are seeing is the optics looking for the disc format. Blu-ray (blue), CD-ROM (bright red), and DVD (dim red).If there is no light no disc is recognized, meaning no spin.