Anyone know anything about a N64 emu. on a hacked PS3. Waiting on this emu. is really the only reason I don't just keep my PS3 Factory. If anyone has any recent news I'd appreciate some info. Thanks!!!
Thanks for the responses guys. I've avidly searched, and check ps3hacks daily. I was just hoping I missed something. Really I'd just love my ps3 to play emu's even better than my XBox-1. I know the argument, why have a ps3 and just play old emu's. Well, b/c I love the classics (and I know I can run 'em on my PC), but my ps3's hooked up to the main T.V so it's convenient!!
i know in the past sony allowed you to boot into alternate operating systems such as red hat and debian. i know this support was removed with later releases of firmware. has this option never been recovered by jailbroken devices and if it has would it not be possible to use these systems to play older games. in fact is it not also possible to use your ps3 as a card sharing server by simply booting in debian, writing the correct config files and connecting the tv card using smargo?
Originally posted by fintannl: i know in the past sony allowed you to boot into alternate operating systems such as red hat and debian. i know this support was removed with later releases of firmware. has this option never been recovered by jailbroken devices and if it has would it not be possible to use these systems to play older games. in fact is it not also possible to use your ps3 as a card sharing server by simply booting in debian, writing the correct config files and connecting the tv card using smargo?
Yes, we have OtherOS back. For a lot of us, this was more important than homebrew...I know I wouldn't be jailbrken if OtherOS had not been removed. You can use USB TV capture devices is still the only method of using the PS3 as a DVR outside of Europe (sony promised a playTV-like device for the states 5 years ago, but have yet to deliver anything). Still, this is a far way from an emulator as it still requires a working N64 (I had was borrowed and never returned...the other won't read cartridges no matter how much I blow).
There are also RSX drivers for OtherOS now...but then you have to find a N64 emulator that will work with anything other than x86-based processors...maybe Mupen64 could be recompiled...