Ok first off, this is very exciting to hear that Cobra USB can enable 3.55 again and play more games than previous exploits.
I am confused on some aspects of it though.
Firstly, is it true you have to have two hdds to use cobra? (bc you can run two firmwares on it) I only have a slim ps3 with one hard drive....
Where and when is this Cobra dongle available?
Are there going to be other companies that make this so everyone can buy one? I hard production was limited to 3000?
What about us running on 3.66? Does it still work with 3.66? Cobra keeps saying its for 3.70 and 3.72.
The cobra is heavily encrypted, so the only clones are 1-for-1 clones that are not much cheaper. The cobra does not work with firmwares over 3.55 ...and the E3 flasher is just for downgrading to 3.55, not for jailbreaking 3.72
But then can someone tell me what all this is about:
you posted 2 links, both of which talk about the e3 flasher.
idk, what exact do you need to know?
E3 Flasher is able to dual boot custom firmware and official firmware, so you can have both on the same console. This requires 2 hdds though, one for each fw.
It can also downgrade fw to a lower version.