i just softmodded my wii today and now its bricked
menu version is 4.3u
usb loader gx bricked it, everything was working fine, i tried loading a back up and it just went to a black screen and d/c my wii remote and i couldn't shut the wii off with the power button so i unplugged it. i tried the game again and same thing. then i tried another game and it worked, then another and it worked, then another and i played it for awhile. then i went back the the wii menu and went to the usb loaders channel and it went to a black screen and stopped. so i unplugged my wii again and plugged it back in and then... no signal and more no signal and now its bricked
idk if this helps but bootmii was installed as an ios and priiloader was installed but i have no clue what to do. i used the smash stack exploit to mod it
any help would be really appreciated as i just got this and i'm pretty bummed...
By the sounds of it I don't think you have bricked it. If after you softmodded you wii, everything was working ok then it's ok. I think it has something to do with USB Loader.
It did that to me before, all I did was unpluged all of my wii, cables, power to it, ect left it for about 1 hr (it's better that long just in case), then plug it back on and it worked.
If that doesn't work then like b1gh3ad did you back up your wii's NAND?!?
Even if you installed priiloader or bootmii it won't do you any good because you just said its on IOS (which is boot1).... which you cannot restore your NAND, what Wii do you have?!?! A black one!? How old is it?!? The only thing to do now is to send it back to Nintendo for them to fix the wii for you. Nothing else can be done. (If unpluging it don't work).
Originally posted by b1gh3ad: you could try and get the SaveMii Unbricker Device but i dont know if it will help you that much
Sounds like you're missing some IOS, or installed usb loader somewhere you shouldn't have. I'm a little confused by your post, are you 100% sure its bricked? What happens when you turn it on? If you hold reset as it starts will it boot to Priiloader? If so, you should be able to access the homebrew channel, or at the very least run a .dol through priiloader. Let me know exactly whats happening and I'm sure we can get it taken care of. Don't stress yourself out, the Wii likes to play games sometimes.