Hello all! I first softmodded my wii awhile ago. Anyways I remodded it when the 4.2 update came out. Unfortunatley new burned games are not playing on my wii. only old games are. Heres all the info I can give you on my wii: Homebrew channel just updated to 1.0.8 running on ios 61, I have pre loader installed, all my old games work (new super mario bros and othes) but im trying to get zumba to play (for my daughter). Also I usually use the disc channel to launch my backup games and it always works great. I also tried launching thro new gamma loader 6 v17 and it failed with error 972. Any suggestions? You guys are always the best thanks for all the help!!!!
you might need to install an IOS for Zumba to work. It's usually the case for new games these days. Just do search on google and find out if you need to install any IOS in order to run Zumba.
What Vito said is correct, however it might be worth trying to launch the game via GeckoOS: http://wiibrew.org/wiki/Gecko_OS GeckoOS can be used for launching both original and backup games without the need to update. It works most of the time, but there are some exceptions where the game will not load and it's IOS will need to be installed to work.
If GeckoOS fails, then the required IOS can be identified, downloaded and installed, but if you are experiencing this problem with a considerable amount of games, then the ideal option would be to use DOP-Mii to update all IOS under 200 with latest non-stub versions, as per this thread: http://forums.afterdawn.com/t.cfm/f-154/updating_ios_with_dop-mii_v15-888388/
Hey guys thanks for all the help. You guys are the reason I love afterdawn so much. Anyways I did the iso search and nope zumba doesn't require anything special so I tried updating neo gamma and some how someway it works! On neo gammma and also on the disc channel! Thanks for the ideas tho guys your the best!