I know this has been talked about forever but I just cannot seemt to get what I want yet. I have movies on my laptop I am trying to burn to DVD's and have not been able to get them in a quality I want yet. They look great when I play them on my laptop but when I burn them they end up fuzzy. I was using Nero but a lot of them are bigger than the alloted space given so I also have RZ Dvd Creator. I havent been able to burn anything with it that looks decent either. I know DVD Shrink supposedly works but I havent been able to figure it out... Basically I want the same quality dvd as it is on my laptop; or at least close. I am pretty new to this stuff but not stupid either so hopefully someone can help me figure it out.
What format are these movies.
Have they been ripped from the DVD and are now a collection of .VOB, .IFO and .BUP files in a folder.
If they are in a folder and conform to DVD spec, they can be loaded into DVD Shrink by clicking 'Open Files'.
They are saved to a new folder or image file by clicking 'Backup'.
Some of them are mp4 and some are .vob. I have DVD Shrink but I guess I just havent figured it out yet because I cannot ever seem to read my .vob files with it. That is what I wanted to do is just load them with DVD Shrink and then compress them by backing them up. Do you have any idea why they wouldnt be showing up? Thanks again
Nero Vision to convert MP4 to DVD format
Nero Recode to compress ifo, vobs etc to blank dvd size use the double pass sampling option and the quality burn option
Nero to burn - set burning speed to 1/2 the speed your blank are rated for
For Shrink i believe need to select the Video_TS. ifo file, not the .vob
Originally posted by StanH1000:Nero Vision to convert MP4 to DVD format
Nero Recode to compress ifo, vobs etc to blank dvd size use the double pass sampling option and the quality burn option
Nero to burn - set burning speed to 1/2 the speed your blank are rated for
For Shrink i believe need to select the Video_TS. ifo file, not the .vob
Actually, you just need to select the VIDEO_TS folder. Perhaps icecrak3r has not maintained the correct structure, in which case DVDShrink will not work. This can quite often be solved by simply renaming the containing folder to VIDEO_TS and then pointing DVDShrink to that folder.
Should this not work, FixVTS may help. Otherwise, ConvertXtoDVD is probably the easiest solution that will still provide acceptable quality output.