I am using Nero 9 and I have created two movies with a .mov file extension. I would like to join or combine the two movies together to make one movie. I have looked in the Nero 9 Vision manual but can't find out how to do this.
Can someone please point me in the right direction?
You'll have to convert the .mov files to two DVD compliant ones...DVD-Video.... (you can do this using nero vision), once you've completed doing this, you can use nero recode to combine them.
Originally posted by johnl123: You'll have to convert the .mov files to two DVD compliant ones...DVD-Video.... (you can do this using nero vision), once you've completed doing this, you can use nero recode to combine them.
There's also a join button in Vision that you can use. Add the 2 files then highlight both by clicking control (ctrl) and clicking the mouse on each. On the right side of Vision the join button will become active once more than one file is highlighted - click on it and the files will be joined.
Originally posted by binkie7: There's also a join button in Vision that you can use. Add the 2 files then highlight both by clicking control (ctrl) and clicking the mouse on each. On the right side of Vision the join button will become active once more than one file is highlighted - click on it and the files will be joined.
Blinky -
Thanks for your reply. The two movies were created with a Canon 5D Mark II digital SLR and have the .mov file extension. I did what you said but the Join button is grayed out. When I selected both movies together and added them to my project they appeared to be joined because when I play the movie both the first and second movie is combined into one.
If this is not correct, how do I get the Join button to be active and not grayed out. Can Nero Vision 9 work with .mov movie files? It looks to me that it can.
I'm thinking Nero does support .mov files since they reference .mov in one of their tutorials listed under the video tab here:
Nero 9 Tutorials
Highlighting both files should make the join button active. I'm not sure why it isn't unless .mov is the issue - seems kind of odd though.
Mini guide for you just in case:
If the files are listed as 2 separate files in Vision then when you burn them there will be a slight pause before the 2nd files plays.
Since highlighting them doesn't work you'll probably need to use the way johnl123 recommended.
Johnl123 mentions: "You'll have to convert the .mov files to two DVD compliant ones...DVD-Video". What does DVD compliant mean and how to I do the conversion? I am a novice when it comes to working with video.
Oh you would just use Vision to convert them to DVD compliant ones - just like you were doing.
Here's a guide for 7 but it will give you an idea for Nero 9:
Then take those files (see the guide johnl123 links to) and use Recode to merge/join them.
Originally posted by binkie7: Oh you would just use Vision to convert them to DVD compliant ones - just like you were doing.
Here's a guide for 7 but it will give you an idea for Nero 9:
Then take those files (see the guide johnl123 links to) and use Recode to merge/join them.