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Any Way To Create A High-Quality File With Subtitles With Nero?
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7. December 2011 @ 00:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks, everyone, for your willingness to help on this one. Here's my question:

I would like to import a foreign film with English subtitles into Nero 10. I use Nero 10 to edit portions of films that are inappropriate for classroom viewing.

I would like to import a foreign film with subtitles into Nero 10 and edit the film while leaving English subtitles in.

I have tried the user guides on these forums to combine video files with subtitles using various software with no success. Two examples:

DVD Shrink does not replicate the subtitles when I use the software.

Any Video Converter grays out the "Subtitle" option when I follow instructions from another post here on AfterDawn.

I just want to create a high-quality video file with English subtitles from a DVD I own already so I can import it into Nero and edit the file to burn as a DVD or export as a high-quality MPEG. And although I'm not a newbie with Nero and burning DVDs, I do struggle with a good deal of the terms used on these boards by experienced users.

I have been trying for months to find a way to do this, downloading and trying software after software, with no luck. Anybody have any ideas? Thank you!
AfterDawn Addict
7. December 2011 @ 08:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I just want to create a high-quality video file with English subtitles from a DVD

Assuming that the subtitles are included with your source DVD, 'Re-authoring' in DVD Shrink to edit the naughty parts is best.
Even though it creates multiple Titles and there is a slight pause between scenes as the laser moves over the disk, you at least keep the existing subtitles and their timing relative to the edited movie.

I assume that you know how to do multiple edits - you have to keep re-selecting the main tile each time.
Also, each of the new titles must have the audio and subtitles selected under the 'Compression' tab.
In addition, each new title in the left pane should be right clicked and the subtitles made automatically default on during playback.
This ensures that the subs do not have to be continually turned on with the remote (or the media player on a PC)

7. December 2011 @ 18:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Okay, thanks, Attar. A few more questions, if you don't mind:

(1) What do you mean by "multiple edits"? I've only started using DVD Shrink recently.

(2) When I choose "Back up," the boxes are all grayed out under the "Quality Settings" tab. How can I fix this?

(3) Ditto for the "Burn Settings" tab.

(4) When backup is finished, the VOB file does have subtitles, but when I import them into Nero, the subtitles disappear. I do have "Enable burning with Nero" checked under Preferences/File IO.

Thanks again!

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 7. December 2011 @ 18:43

AfterDawn Addict
7. December 2011 @ 19:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
If you select one part of the title in re-author mode you have made one edit and one title is still in the left pane.
If you select a second part you have two titles in the left pane.
If you backup, you have a dvd with multiple titles.

If your compression setting for video is 'automatic' and selections for backup are over the value set in 'preferences' then the quality settings become available - typically the transcoding now takes longer - normally you won't need this.

If you have a burning program installed and DVD Shrink is linked to it and you opted to burn the disk (not simply backing up to the HDD)then the settings become available.
It's safer to simply backup to the HDD without burning and exit;test the output using the media player.
Then burn the files in a separate step.

I can't address Nero - why are you using it (if you have re-authored in DVD shrink).
(Note if you are in fact editing the output from DVD Shrink in Nero, then IIRC, Nero did not process subs - I don't know if that has changed over the years).
7. December 2011 @ 22:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks, Attar, again! Here's my problem:

If you have a burning program installed and DVD Shrink is linked to it and you opted to burn the disk (not simply backing up to the HDD)then the settings become available.
It's safer to simply backup to the HDD without burning and exit;test the output using the media player.
Then burn the files in a separate step.
(1) I'm not sure what an "HDD" is! Maybe knowing that would help me, but I'm not familiar with that term.

(2) I'm using Nero because it's familiar to me; I've used it for 7-8 years. When I get a film in English I want to show in class, I simply import my DVD into Nero and edit out inappropriate parts (or edit it to fit class time) by simply cutting and pasting--no worries about not understanding the language. I can burn the edited film to DVD or I can export it as an MPEG or AVI.

When I get a foreign film I want to show in class, I would like to be able to import it into Nero with subtitles and do exactly the same thing.

DVD Shrink does a great job of creating a VOB file with subtitles. They play great in my media players and everything.

(For me, DVD Shrink works about half the time; the other half of the time I try to import a movie, I get an error message: "DVD Shrink encountered an error and cannot continue. Invalid data in file [filename]." That's a side issue, but if you had any info on that, I'd appreciate it!)

I do not, however, want to create a VOB file with subtitles; I want to create an MPEG or AVI with subtitles. The reason: When I import the DVD Shrink-created VOB file to Nero, Nero only recognizes the video file--the subtitles are not there.

My main problem: When I import the file created by DVD Shrink--the same VOB file that my media players play with subtitles with no problem--Nero will import the file, but will NOT have the subtitle included.

I'm sure there must be thousands of people out there with this problem! I absolutely cannot figure this out for the life of me.

Any advice I really appreciate. Thanks again.
AfterDawn Addict
8. December 2011 @ 06:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
HDD = Hard Disk Drive.

I haven't used Nero for years - and when I did, it did not produce subtitles.
Are you sure that it does now?
What I think happens is that Nero demuxes the movie (that is extracts the video, audio and subtitle streams) tosses out the subtitles and combines the video and audio back to either a DVD format movie or an AVI.

If this is the case, I suggest that you rip your DVD to a folder (using an up to date ripper instead of DVD Shrink) then use AutoGK to open the ripped files, select your subtitles and convert it to AVI.

Then edit the AVI.
8. December 2011 @ 18:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Nero doesn't produce subtitles; that's why I used another program to try to create a file with subtitles Nero could import and keep the subtitles.

Do you know of any program on earth, which costs money or is free, that I can use to create a high-quality MP4 file that has subtitles?

And do you know why when I choose "Back up," the boxes are all grayed out under the "Quality Settings" tab and the "Burn Settings" tab?
AfterDawn Addict
8. December 2011 @ 19:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Handbrake will open a DVD folder and allow you to select subtitles and audio streams.

See #4 for the other question re quality settings.

Remember to use the Audio and Subtitles Tabs, the dropdown menu selections and the 'add' button to select the correct audio and subs.

10. December 2011 @ 02:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Okay, thanks again, Attar. I tried Handbrake, but it won't burn subtitles for me. Here's a screenshot of what I'm doing. I've tried every way I can see to do it, with the "Forced Only," "Burned In," "Default," checked, and with none of those checked. Nothing works. Beautiful MP4 file, good quality, no subtitles.

I'm using Windows 7. Does Handbrake just not burn subtitles with Windows 7? I'm starting to think there's just nothing out there that works.

I'm willing to spend money to buy software that does this. I'll do almost anything. Have you heard of anyone buying software that will do this and knowing that it works?

And I can't figure out how to include the image in this post. When I click the "image" icon, it just puts a tag in the text and I don't what to do from there.

Thanks again.
AfterDawn Addict

4 product reviews
10. December 2011 @ 02:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Replay the title you just did then find subtitle selection menu usually in menu bar if played with vlc it's a sub selection under video then clik the sub you want playing,if using mpc player it's under navigate

10. December 2011 @ 11:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks, scorp, but I don't want to play the file's subtitles from a menu; I want them burned into the file permanently so I can import the file into Nero. I want to create an actual non-VOB file. Any ideas? Thanks again.

And any idea how to get a picture into one of these threads? I don't understand how to use the image embedder.
AfterDawn Addict
10. December 2011 @ 14:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
New members are restricted from posting links to images.
Select the subtitle stream and check the 'burned in' box.

10. December 2011 @ 18:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Okay, Attar, thanks! I finally figured out what the problem with Handbrake was: You have to click on the actual subtitle track, THEN click on "Burned In." I was just assuming that by clicking "Burned In" when I was sticking a subtitle in it was applied to the subtitle.

Thanks again for the help, Attar!
11. December 2011 @ 23:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Okay, thanks again, and on the subtitle topic I have a follow-up question:

I have several non-English language DVDs that I would like to burn as MPEG, AVI, or MP4 files with subtitles--subtitles that I created myself or edited from the original subtitle file.

I have several non-English language films (DVDs) that I would like to burn as MPEG, AVI, or MP4 files with subtitles--subtitles that I created myself or edited from the original subtitle file.

The idea: to have some old black and white film with actors speaking non-English, but with English subtitles at the bottom that say funny things or things that refer to activities we've done in my classroom or names of students or poking fun at me. (Ha, ha! I hope.)

I want to use Handbrake 0.9.5 to hard code these English subtitles to a non-English video file so the subtitle of the MPEG or AVI or MP4 can't be removed in playback.

I downloaded Subtitle Workshop to create the subtitles. The Handbrake subtitle guide, however, says that only "VOBSUB" or "SSA" files can be burned onto a video created by Handbrake. I don't, however, see any option in Subtitle Workshop to create a VOBSUB or SSA file (or maybe I just don't understand the subtitle types well enough--I'm new at this!). My questions:

(1) Does anyone have experience using Subtitle Workshop with Handbrake to create a subtitle burned into a Handbrake video?

(2) If only VOBSUB or SSA files can be burned onto a video created by Handbrake, why is there only an option to import SRT files?

(3) Can anyone recommend another software to edit subtitles so they can be hard coded into a file created by Handbrake?

I have edited .srt files with Subtitle Workshop, and actually WordPad as well, but they don't work in Handbrake, as the guide says.

Any ideas? Thanks again.
AfterDawn Addict
12. December 2011 @ 05:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
There's a .srt to .ssa converter that might help.
12. December 2011 @ 12:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks again, Attar! > forums > digital video > subtitle help > any way to create a high-quality file with subtitles with nero?

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