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A free program to remove DRM software from m4b audiobook?
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Senior Member
21. July 2013 @ 17:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Someone gave me an iTunes gift card as a gift. I do not have a iPod. Nor do I like Apple.

I bought an audiobook with the gift card. However it is an m4b file and the DRM on it is preventing me from putting it on my MP3 player. I have tried burning the files to a CD to get rid of the DRM. It did not help.

Are there any free programs that will remove the DRM software. I have tried a couple, now I just seem to be infected with spyware.

Thanks in advance for the help.
AfterDawn Addict
25. July 2013 @ 22:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Check the audio forum there is a massive thread for backing up audio books. There are no free DRM removers they all cost at least 50 USDs. Probably 99% of P2P apps you can download for free are loaded with malware. You install one of those and you can kiss your computer good by. Well you could back it up before you install the software. Do rely on a system restore. Any half good malware will screw up all the restores as one of the first things it does.

I refused to pay 40 USDs for the last upgrade so I just use audacity. It is a bit of a pain. I play them at night then cut them into 1 hr tracks and export them to mp3s.
Senior Member
6. August 2013 @ 23:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks I will check the audio forum. You're right any small application that comes from any of the filesharing methods or networks is likely to be loaded with malware. In fact, I do not like to grab any program off of any of the filesharing networks that is less than a couple of hundred megabytes in size. I have found that most of the smaller programs tend to be loaded with malware.

I think I have as fiddled with audacity in the past but, I'm really not sure how to use it I don't even remember how it worked. As I come across a similar situation again I will definitely investigate audacity.

I to refuse to pay that much for the latest and greatest versions of software. I also like listening to audiobooks at night but I like them to be in smaller chunks than one hour.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 6. August 2013 @ 23:09

AfterDawn Addict
7. August 2013 @ 11:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Audacity ? Timed Length of Recording
Click Transport > Timer record..
Ignore the top two settings (unless it?s a delayed recording)
Set duration slightly longer than the expected length of the incoming audio .
(1, 2 seconds - enough time that you can press OK in the Timer record window then start the incoming audio).

Press OK then immediately start playback of the incoming audio.
The recording will stop at the required time (you must stop the incoming source).

Senior Member
7. August 2013 @ 19:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by attar:
Audacity ? Timed Length of Recording
Click Transport > Timer record..
Ignore the top two settings (unless it?s a delayed recording)
Set duration slightly longer than the expected length of the incoming audio .
(1, 2 seconds - enough time that you can press OK in the Timer record window then start the incoming audio).

Press OK then immediately start playback of the incoming audio.
The recording will stop at the required time (you must stop the incoming source).

Originally posted by attar:
Audacity ? Timed Length of Recording
Click Transport > Timer record..
Ignore the top two settings (unless it?s a delayed recording)
Set duration slightly longer than the expected length of the incoming audio .
(1, 2 seconds - enough time that you can press OK in the Timer record window then start the incoming audio).

Press OK then immediately start playback of the incoming audio.
The recording will stop at the required time (you must stop the incoming source).

Thanks, next time I need to modify and audiobook I will definitely check it out. This will come in handy down the road. > forums > mobile devices > ipod discussion > a free program to remove drm software from m4b audiobook?

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