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I have forgot a root password
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19. December 2009 @ 13:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi! I have a problem. I have forgot a root password in RedHat linux. What i can do? Is where any methods to take this password? I haven't any rights and permissions now... it's a painfully.... :)

I know that Linux is a very protected system. But i've directly access to the computer. May be I can doing everything?

I use Red Hat Linux (2.4.20-8smp) - it is an item of kernel loader. I thanks for a God, I remember a user password.

Please help me If you can! Thanks!

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19. December 2009 @ 15:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The easiest thing to do is boot into single user mode.

This will boot the system as root without having to enter a password. after it boots you can use this command to change the password

"passwd root"

you have now reset the password and have full access to the system. If you cannot access single user mod you could load up any linux live cd and mount your hard drive. Then you can edit the "/etc/group" file and add your user to the adm group or any groups that you need permissions in.

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28. December 2009 @ 14:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i find this option much easier. just set the password to NULL

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28. December 2009 @ 15:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by grkblood:
i find this option much easier. just set the password to NULL

That would work great if he were running windows, but this will not work on linux.

GAMING COMPUTER - Intel q9550 @ 3.4ghz | EVGA GTX 260 core 216 | Gigabyte ds3l | 6gb Gskill DDR2 800 ram | Silverstone 700 watt psu | WD 640gb hdd | Seagate 300gb hdd | LG dvd burner | Samsung dvd burner | Antec p182 case | logitech 2.1 speakers | logitech g11 keyboard | Samsung 25.5in 1900x1200 monitor | 19in 1440x900 secondary monitor | Windows 7 64bit | SERVER - Gigabyte 785g motherboard | AMD Phenom 9650 | 6gb ram | three 1.5tb hdd | Seagate 1tb hdd | WD 750gb hdd | two 300gb hdd | Maxtor 200gb hdd | Ark rackmount case | CentOS 5.5
Steam name = "krj15489" alias = Jordan-k
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30. December 2009 @ 09:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by krj15489:
Originally posted by grkblood:
i find this option much easier. just set the password to NULL

That would work great if he were running windows, but this will not work on linux.

no, it will run on linux. ive doen it several times. dont be fooled by the name. it does work. and it works great.

PS3 Username: chucktownDMB
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7. January 2010 @ 07:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
not on a modern linux system with shadow and encrypted root passwords it doesn't.. unix skills needed..

that program can be run in a linux boot shell to give access to windows passwords (not hard to bypass anyway.. childs play) but to restore or change a unix style password either some high end hackers/sys admin know how is needed.. or as K said.. single user mode and hope the security was set to allow root access from that mode.. a high security server setup will not allow any straight terminal/console login that way, requiring a valid user login first then a console switch and login as single user mode2

Use a live cd to edit the grub files to gain single user access is probably the easiest way around a lost linux root p/word.

7. January 2010 @ 09:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I seem to keep bumping into you today.
I'm certainly no hacker, but this thread reminded me that there's even a way to reset the root password on Enterprise servers, well as long as the server is physically accessible that is. Luckily servers such as this are kept locked away from little fingers.

I have never bothered to try that as i don't ever forget passwords :), was just passing thru and couldn't resist.

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7. January 2010 @ 09:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hehehe.. those of us in the know don't tend to give out info on the internet that is contained in that groaning shelf of dusty unix books we have for "reference purposes"

Ask a lad in the mac forums how quick I got round his "found system in back street-no password" situation without using any boot disks or anything.. it was an old g3 so of no value so.. hehehehehe

Usually what I do with these threads is fire a pm and ask a couple of interesting and revealing questions.. and depending on the answer I either get them where they want to be.. or stfu rapidly... BOFH I is.. :)

of course our OP could always fire up in single user mode and do an rm -rf and then set a new password next time.. to something they CAN remember... > forums > software, operating systems and more > linux - general discussion > i have forgot a root password

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