For the last week I am having trouble getting into a site I normally visit daily. I can still get in an open up things but they can take 5 to 10 minutes to eventually load.
At first I thought it was just my computer and tried every fix I could think of, but then I tried 2 other computers in my house and the same thing happens.
Most recent thing I have done was reset my router and try different browsers like chrome,ie, and firefox, but still no luck.
I checked the site from another computer outside of my place and it runs fine.
I did find a temporary fix though. I came across something called When I put the web address through a proxy site it comes up every time without fail.I still can't figure out a permanent fix though.
I don't know if that is some kind of clue, but I'm stumped on this one.
Originally posted by GryphB: Try clearing your cache and cookies?
Contacted ,my ISP about it and they said it had nothing to do with them on their end. The funny thing is, about 10 minutes after that call, I am able to get back on the site. Coincidence? hmmm
Now I have over a weeks worth to catch up on. F@#Yeah!!!