Trying to fix my brothers laptop at the moment. He managed to get some horrible virus. I cant open task manager, I can download software (takes ages) but it won't allow me to install anything, won't let me insert a memory stick. All desktop icons have disappeared! A message pops up saying it has some trojan and do I want to block it but I just ignore it. All he has in terms of antivirus software is avast home edition and no firewall(eegit i know!). Ran avast but it didn't find anything. Some personal security thing detected 42 viruses and reminds me everytime I start up. Is there anything I can do to fix it before considering re-installing vista? Any help is greatly appreciated.
Go to the following link ON A CLEAN COMPUTER and you can burn a Rescue Disk. Then run it in the infected machine and it may save you from a re-install.
There are three kinds of men: The ones that learn by reading; The few who learn by observation;
The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence and find out for themselves...
Lately, I have seen some Rogue Antivirus? that wipe out the restore points and, without seeing the machine, that?s why I suggest Avira Rescue Disk as the first option..
Never click on a popup that says you have a virus??.. Reboot to Safe mode and delete all Temp files.. If it can?t install, it can?t hurt you :)
There are three kinds of men: The ones that learn by reading; The few who learn by observation;
The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence and find out for themselves...
Just letting you all know I used the Avira Rescue Disk and it worked a treat. Popped it in, ran the scan and when the laptop restarted everything was back to normal. Thanks a million for all your help!
There are three kinds of men: The ones that learn by reading; The few who learn by observation;
The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence and find out for themselves...
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 19. March 2010 @ 07:49