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serious graphical problem with StreetFighter IV on Systemax Laptop
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2. September 2009 @ 12:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hello again folks. I tried installing Street Fighter IV on my laptop laptop last night and the install went fine, however when I started the game up I had a pretty serious graphical error.

after the opening logos showed without any screen fades (already odd), the title screen displayed as a pure white screen. the error had to be purely graphical because I could still input with my gamepad, and Games for Windows Live still signed me in; everything functioned as it should, I just couldn't see anything. I got past the title screen and into the main menu, and of course I couldn't see any of the menus at all, all that showed up was the wallpaper behind all of it.

the best I can do right now is give my specs for the game and for my laptop, beyond that I am at a complete loss for what to do. I've seen a similar problem with notebooks before on certain games but I still have no idea what it is.

here's my laptop;

and here's the game's specs;

reply at your leisure and thanks in advance for the hand. in the meantime I'm going to install Devil May Cry 4 and see if I get any problems with that as well.

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AfterDawn Addict
2. September 2009 @ 22:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You have NO graphics card for starters, and secondly....there is no way this notebook will push any of todays PC games (or earlier games)

Street Fighter IV PC Specs Video Card: DirectX 9.0c/Shader3.0 or higher compatible, *NVIDIA GeForce6600 series, *ATI Radeon(TM) X1600

your PC graph specs Graphics Description: ouch Integrated Graphics GPU/VPU: ntel® Graphics Media Accelerator X3100
2. September 2009 @ 22:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
most laptops can't play most newer games because of the onboard videocard & yours is one of them. you can't upgrade them either as part of motherboard.

hello geestar.
AfterDawn Addict
2. September 2009 @ 23:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
HEY HEY DDP!! Nice to see you!

If you want to play PC games on a notebook then you need to look into gaming notebooks.
3. September 2009 @ 14:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
thanks gentlemen. I thought this might have been the problem and was hoping it wasn't that simple, but I found out as much upon trying to install Devil May Cry IV. it went fine but when I ran the game it said my pixel shader was insufficient.

thanks for having a look anyway though and sorry for the waste of time.

"Nazi propaganda? you idiot, it's just a recipie for cookies!"
3. September 2009 @ 21:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
teach & learn. > forums > software, operating systems and more > windows - games > serious graphical problem with streetfighter iv on systemax laptop

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