So I bought two games from JJGames, Max Payne and Final Fantasy X 10, but they were American discs, since I have an european PS2, I have to use modchip/Swap Magic, right?
The model is also SCPH-77004.
since you have a slim ps2 its a little easier all you have to do is block the sensors that tell the ps2 that the cover is open which i think there are around 3 heres a video how to block them. then install freemcboot to your memory card. with freemcboot you can use the swapmagic elf to boot your game backups. when i had a slim i was even able to get an elf you can use to boot ps1 backups aswell. I think i might of used the swapmagic elf for that aswell.
for some yes but remember you have to take the top of your ps2 off to get the fliptop lid on. also its pretty easy to do all those things. just one costs a little more than the other. swapmagic and a a set of magic switch things(magic switch is easier to install than the lid and cost a bit less) heres a trustworthy site they sell what you want. heres a link for a swapmagic lid +swapmagic
I have that little thing that apparently makes it impossible, or hard as heck, to use that slide tool/magic switch thingy.
And I have 8 screws under my PS2, so I do need a flip top lid, yeah?
I just got a 3.8 SM disc, and the tools worked, but nothing comes up on my TV screen, only a black screen.
The DVD disc is what the problem is, for some reason.
The CD disc works.
The DVD disc works SOMETIMES, seems like it wasn't totally unfunctional.
since you have sm use it to install freemcboot and use the swapmagic elf the elf is like using the dvd but it works pretty much every time go to for the tutorial on installing it. make sure to google where to actually getting the Swapmagic3.8coder.elf file.