Hi. I have a Acekard 2i for my ds (which I purchased some time ago) and it says dsi compatible on the bottom.
I now have a 3ds also. Can I put the new AKAIO 1.9.0 update onto the card and use it on my 3ds, or do I need to buy a new card for the 3ds?
Thanks for your help.
Regards pmde.
Originally posted by pmde: Hi. I have a Acekard 2i for my ds (which I purchased some time ago) and it says dsi compatible on the bottom.
I now have a 3ds also. Can I put the new AKAIO 1.9.0 update onto the card and use it on my 3ds, or do I need to buy a new card for the 3ds?
Thanks for your help.
Regards pmde.
Even it is a 3ds compatibility card, it maybe still can not work on your 3ds, Acekard 2i currently can only work on V3.0.0-6 or lower version 3DS, it doesn't work on the latest 3ds firmware V4.5.0-10. recommend you buy a r4i gold 3ds card for your 3ds. easy to use and work great on your 3ds.
Till now, ak2i just can support the 3ds v4.3.0-10, if your 3ds has been updated to the newest v4.5.0-10, you can take r4igold 3ds, dstwo, r4i-sdhc 3ds into account, which can work on the newest version.