Hi all,
I have searched around looking for help with my boys new dsixl, we have got through 5 since Christmas day, and have a very sad 8y/o, each time we set it up for him, to use we always get a message "AN ERROR HAS OCCURRED. PRESS AND HOLD THE POWER BUTTON TO TURN THE SYSTEM OFF. PLEASE REFER TO THE NINTENDO DSI OPERATIONS MANUAL FOR DETAILS" of which said "TO TRY AGAIN AND IF THE PROBLEM APPEARS AGAIN TO CONTACT NINTENDO SERVICE CENTRE",
The different shops we have brought these dsi from have not got a clue, when i phone Nintendo i have some fool its my thought or im putting a R4 card in, but we never get that far to put the R4 in to the slot.
So just wondering if anyone can help or if it is a general software problem, as all my boy would like to do is play with his new dsi,
thanks for your time in advance, Nick
Thanks for replying but this error comes up when we are setting up the new dsi xl we had 1 that we actually finished setting and my son clicked the camera button and the same error came up yet again, we have not got to the point of putting any games in, even when try to put in a original game (to see if that can reboot it) it isn't having any of it.
Just seems strange how we can have 5 like this and they have been brought from separate shops....