Please if someone can help with this I will be able to stop pulling my hair out!!
I purchased 2 R4i from snipe a deal. I have 2 kingston Micro SD to go with it.
Originally posted by GBX_Lee: You neither gave us the full name of R4i , nor the full website address , how could un help you ?
More infomation is helpful.
I put it above but forgot the www. etc sorry about that. Hope someone can help :( two kids very eager to play.
Revolution for DS R4i (v1.4 ready)
I never heard of this flashcart . According the information from their official site , it may not work with NDSi XL.
And I googled this cart with some professional forums , no body mentioned it ...
Since you have tried the latest firmware , I would suggest you purchase the Acekard 2i that works on NDSi XL .
I bought them from, $32.95 each Aust. I know now I realize I've been ripped off. I bought one yesterday for $16.50 and it works great. but as what to do with the other 2 dud's???? I emailed snipeadeal and they said send them back with my own SD cards to be checked and they will have a look? BUT if they find they are not faulty they will charge me a service fee???? they then said they can have the software put on so it's ready also for a FEE! I'm sure they will just say they are fine even if they are faulty and try and get more money out of me. :( so annoyed I wish I knew what firmware to put on it.
First, my apologies. Didn't realize that you (and they are in Australia). Still, accoring to today's exchange rate 8/5/2010
1 USD = 1.09AUD = 1.36NZD. Pricing's still a little out of whack.
But I digress.
"I emailed snipeadeal and they said send them back with my own SD cards to be checked and they will have a look? BUT if they find they are not faulty they will charge me a service fee????"
Don't know, ask them. They should tell you up front.
"they then said they can have the software put on so it's ready also for a FEE!"
If the fee isn't too much have them do one. When you get it back, figure out which software they used and do the other one yourself.