I have not downloaded any games for a while but thought I would as I am of on my hols in a few days, fancied the new professor layton game but here is my problem.
I download the game, unzip the file and there used to be one nds file that I dragged and dropped into the r4. But now on this and a few others games it is not as simple as that, on the prof layton game it has 19 zip files none can unzip without error messages.
Also tried the new Wario game with the same problem.
You sure they're zip files and not rars? You need winrar or 7zip to open a multirar. Winzip can't do it. Just open the first file with winrar or 7zip and extract.
Thanks, I was using winrar not winzip but still had the same problem until I saw you said to use the first file, seems to be working perfect now thanks!
One other quick question a few games I have put on dont seem to load, is it worth me dropping down a version of firmware, I have heard newer versions dont always play new games?
Thanks again!
newest firmware always, and R4 don't really play newer games you need a different make to R4 to do that Acekard 2i akaio 1.6R2 or m3i zero sakura firmware
Originally posted by Mickoz74: newest firmware always, and R4 don't really play newer games you need a different make to R4 to do that Acekard 2i akaio 1.6R2 or m3i zero sakura firmware