Do I need a special blu ray burner to burn blu ray discs? I thought you only need it blu ray discs. What free authoring software is out there that you guys recommend?'ll need a Blu-Ray burner and freeware is plentiful and a bit tedious to maneuver (BD Rebuilder, Clown BD, TsMuxer and others can all be found on this website, do a topic search). I struggle with it myself and I am currently looking for a more sure Blu-Ray back-up software. BLU-RAY disc media is by no means cheap and there is no room for coasters, and yeah you will get some at no less that $3 bucks a disc. I personally have not had the time to get all the required tutelage found on this site and others.
I just don't have the time like I did years ago when DVD back-up capability came along. So I am looking forward to purchasing a streamlined automated alternative from the pre-established back-up software pro's "DVDFAB 6 BLU-RAY to BLU-RAY" (available but still being tweaked) and later purchasing Slysoft"s upcoming CloneBD. I bought a BUFFALO brand HD Media Station for $200.00 from (Model:BRHC-6316U2). It actually does more than many of the more popular spoken brands. BUFFALO is not a knock off brand.
The drive is manufactured in JAPAN. BUFFALO brand is a well known brand for their routers, network storage devices, & servers. Do your homework, I'm sure many others here will reply. You can get 25pk spindles of 25GB BD-R BLU-RAY disc media online for $59.99 to $70.00 bucks. BLU-RAY cases vary in price but I recently order 50 cases for #23.00 online. I'm looking foR a good BLU-RAY cover software, nuthin expensive. So far the back ups I have made were seriously flawed with a pixelated picture, looks far worse than standard DVD and the audio was out of sync.
Wow, thanks for all the info! Right now, finally! I am able to do comple dvd's without shrinking them, I think I will wait and continue buying a few selected Blu Ray titles and burning regular dvds.
Originally posted by goido: Do I need a special blu ray burner to burn blu ray discs? I thought you only need it blu ray discs. What free authoring software is out there that you guys recommend?
1. If you want to Rip and Burn Blu-ray discs you need the following:
I Highly recommend the Pioneer 8X BDR-203BKS SATABlu-ray Burner (the one I am using)
2. This Blu-ray Burner comes with a CyberLink BD Solutions software that contains the program you need to Burn a ripped Blu-ray disc to a blank Blu-ray disc. Launch the Blu-ray Disc Suite then Click on the Utilites Icon then click Burn A Disc Image then select the .iso file that contains the ripped Blu-ray material and go from there.
3. You will also need a program to Rip the BD Disc to an .iso file: The only program that I have found that does this effectively is AnyDVD HD by Slysoft:
4. The last thing you need are blank Blu-ray 25GB and 50GB (read single and dual layer Blu-ray Disc's (BD.
I am using 1-4x BD-R DL 50GB TDK white inkjet printable and 1-4x BD-R 25GB white inkjet printable discs and am very, very please with their performance. So far I have ripped and burned over 100 blu-ray discs without a single coaster in the bunch.
@eric545 does the Cyberlink software compress BLU-RAY software compress BLU-RAY files? As I mentioned above I am shopping a for a good BLU-RAY back up software.......Thanx.