Hey, newbie to the PSP here. Got a PSP 1000 a few weeks back and had a friend put on the 5.50 Gen B firmware so I could play a Soulcalibur Broken Destiny ISO. Worked fine; got to making eboots of some of my old PSX games, no dramas there. Then I borrowed my mate's Tekken ISO and I get the aforementioned error code. The same happened when trying to play Dissidia and Tomb Raider Anniversary. So yesterday I went and bought Tekken and tried to run the UMD. Same error. Had a look at the advanced settings; by enabling 'Execute boot.bin', I can play Soulcalibur, and disabling that and another option I can play the Tekken UMD, but I HATE having to change between the two. Is there a fix for this so I can play either of them whenever I want and not have to tamper with the recovery menu?
And as for the other ISO/CSO's, is there anything I can do to make them work? I read somewhere that you need to have a UMD in the slot or something. Can someone please verify this, or give me some pointers?
You have the unpatched Soul Caliber, look into getting the patched version, then you will not have to enable and disable options.
Have a look in the recovery settings, it is these that must be wrong
I use M33 driver and no umd as options and have no issues, however with Gen be careful what other plugins you have running as these can screw everything up. I only use popsloader (cheats can cause issues)
Ah! Could you be so kind as to link me to this patch, please? And are there by any chance patches for Dissidia and Tomb Raider Anniversary as well, or should they work? I've yet to try them out.