I can get SonicCD to load but not my favorite game - Daytona USA. SonicCD loads briefly to the Sega Saturn BIOS and then the game starts. Daytona USA loads to the BIOS and never loads the game. My only option is to press START and play the music files within the games inside the bios. Hardly fun.
I've downloaded several different roms of the game with no success. Other rom versions load to a black screen and nothing happens.
Have you tried any other games?.. If I recall Daytona USA was quite a late run Saturn game so it's probable the rips are faulty (most roms come from one original rip and contain the exact same error) due to having the late series copy protection media checks still in place.
It's always a good idea to try them on a pc emulator first to "debug" them before trying to get them working on a toy emulator.. you may find it needs patching, certain tweaks to emulator settings, some plugin or other.. or simply won't run at all no matter what you do as the disk image is faulty. Some success was found with awkward games by converting them to .img+sub files in the same way as certain ps1 games required.