They perform well for the money, only thing is they are a bit loud, cheap cpu fan.
If you buy the components seperately from ebuyer, it's pretty much exactly the same price but for the same money you can get a 1TB Samsung F4 drive (instead of the 750GB Hitachi drive) and a retail Intel HSF (which would come in the box with that processor), which may perform better than the cheap cpu hsf that they put on it, and be quieter. The PSU for your money might be slightly better too. So anyway, there isn't a lot in it.
Having not built a system for a couple of years now, and not being really familiar with the sandybridge and other cheap cpus available today, could anyone advise on budget systems that will perform at least as good as this G840 cpu with Gigabyte GA-H61M-S2PV combo?
Or maybe people think that for this money it's not worth going to the trouble of building it?
I remember a few years back there were very good combinations for value and overclocking based on things like the E6400 cpu's, I'm basically looking for that same kind of information now but up to date from people with experience and see if we can build a system that is better than this one for cheaper.