I`m looking on spending around $1,500 a little more if i like it enough, but what are your thoughts on laptops vs. desktops. gaming laptops have shit battery life right? :S a two hour battery life would just piss me off mine as-well get a desktop, Any Ideas? and post some links too of the computer you would buy and why. i was looking at this one link and they must ship to Canada!
i preffer desktop to laptop just because its eaiser 2 work on, i would build it myself, cause for 1500 you can build a nice gaming desktop, and the parts have warrenty but i have use a gaming laptop before and with PROPPER care they do perform nicely, and the battery last anywhere from 6-8hrs of constant gaming, because most people leave a laptop on charge and ruin the battery
I have had quite a few gaming laptops over the years and I think they are always a compromise. I have always tried to buy the best 3d card I can with laptops as generaly you can't upgrade them later. And this is what will cost the $$$s. Asus do some great laptops but I like (and have had a few) Alienware laptops, which is really Dell now. I'd always go for a 15" over a 17" laptop for gaming as this size screen will run much better as a general rule with the 3d cards.
Most the time I ran my gaming laptop on mains power as the 3d card drained the battery quickly. So if you can't live with a smaller screen and don't think you will like having to use mains power I would stick with a desktop.
Personally I ended up with a mac book pro in the end. And leave my gaming to my desktop.