So i'm rebuilding my HP pavilion 8650c aka, the DOS-POS as my network detects it as. lol I wanna get a new motherboard, new graphics card, just make it possible to play the more modern games.
Like so far, the computer is completely "stock" it's the exact same as it was when the HP pavilion 8650c first came out. NO upgrades except for an extra ram chip, maxing my ram up at a sad pathetic 200 mb or something aroudn there. Those kinds of ram are expensive now, almost 100 dollars for a new chip.
Anyways so I'm asking if theres any limitation for what I can get for this computer. I'm not all that experienced when it comes to building a computer. I can put it together but I don't understand the overall rules of building one. (everything has rules).
Some guy was telling me that a new processor the HP pavilion 8650c can handle is 1000mhz, due to the BIOS, but if I was to swap the whole motherboard wouldn't that give me a new bios thus capability for more processing speed?
I dunno you guys help a unknowledged n00b :P
I just don't wanna get rid of the casing it's my pos :( I love it
This system will never play modern games. You might be able to scrap a few pieces from it to put in a new system; you might even be able to reuse the case if you are willing to compromise mainboard selection and cooling for the price of a $35 case.
You might be able to sell the old pc, not for much i suppose, but hey even if you get $50 out of it thats a little under half the price of an i5/i7 mobo.