At this point in time, Intel is better in every single way. Faster, uses less power, runs cooler, overclocks better, has less bugs, costs less, the list goes on. A couple years ago there would probably be an argument, but even myself being an AMD fan, I have to admit Intel is stomping AMD right now.
While there are reasons to upgrade existing AMD systems with AMD hardware, if you're building from the ground up, Intel is the way to go, without doubt.
Originally posted by keiooz: If you are into both gaming and application, what would you prefer?
I have always used Intel microprocessors and NVidia based video cards. Intel and SLI worked out of the box with zero problems when building my PC's However, I have also built PC's with AMD chips. My last setup was a P5 with two NVidia based SLI vid card. My most recent build only has one vid card which is fast enough for my purposes.
Actually, I have been building PC's since the 8088. CGA and Hercules video cards were around.
At the time I used Amigas because they absolutely ruled in performance and video capabilities.
Intel has always been a stable company. AMD has always been shaky at best.
I disagree. Until the advent of the Core i7 it has been a close race between the two for years. When it comes to quality hardware, Intel are unmatched but AMD are close behind. Nvidia may make fast products but their corporate attitude is the worst in the entire industry and their quality of manufacture is very poor compared to their rival.
AMD's graphics reputation is let down by poor desktop CPU products, and poor quality graphics partner brands like Asus and Sapphire.