Pepsimaxx's New Gaming Rig Thread
Senior Member
23. May 2012 @ 10:00 |
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Hey there ad!
Definitely been a while, Ive recently bought a new computer, and it kept giving me problems, so i decided to browse the web and check out newegg.ca and see what kind of deals theyve got, and with all the custom parts id want id get a pretty sweet deal compared to anything you can get in stores around here!
Heres the parts ive chosen and id LOVE the feedback, ive never build a custom rig before and this will be a LEARNING experience for me, if you see ANY flaws at all in my design, please let me know.
This can be a great discussion for everyone and i'd like to hear all your opinions :)
I thought about getting one of those flashy cases with the windows on them, but this one seems to be built like a TANK!
And the VIDEO CARD im going to be using is the ATI Radeon HD 5770 that i have in this PC right now, until i decide to upgrade,
Just want some input, the grand total for this after shipping and taxes is $743.33.
Seem Alright?
Cheers AD,
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 23. May 2012 @ 10:04
Senior Member
26. May 2012 @ 17:32 |
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Are these parts compatible together? And will they work out well? This place seems to be pretty dead as opposed to a few years ago... :(
AfterDawn Addict
26. May 2012 @ 19:04 |
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Originally posted by pepsimaxx: Are these parts compatible together? And will they work out well? This place seems to be pretty dead as opposed to a few years ago... :(
Parts are all compatible by the looks of it yeah. Prefer this case for the money:
Mobo doesn't support SLI properly if that's something you're into (see '16x, 4x' on mobo spec).
Place is pretty dead in terms of enthusiasm for a thread like this, sorry.
(You have Guild Inn in your signature - is that place still alive?)
Senior Member
27. May 2012 @ 22:07 |
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Thats what i figured, and it seems to be okay, thats similar to the case i have now, but im going to be starting fresh, and im thinking about selling my old rig. Im still in the market for cases and better deals on parts if i went overkill in some places :)
But i get a $15.00 discount with that PSU and MOBO together, so what the hell, i probably dont *need* 700w, but if i want to do some upgrading i think its ideal.
(Havent seen you around in a while man :) How ya been? Good to see some old ad fellas here still. And im not even sure man, my old one from the last time i logged into afterdawn, sheesh its been a while.)
AfterDawn Addict
28. May 2012 @ 07:15 |
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Yeah, sure. What are you planning on using the PC for?
HDD is pretty standard. I mean IMO it seems less economical to buy less than 1TB HDDs now because of the minimal cost increase from say a 750GB (and I wouldn't personally buy less than that for a PC of my own). You "might as well" but I can't really see myself ever using that much space on one personal PC. You could consider a smaller SSD for your OS drive perhaps, but that's just a performance thing.
Same for RAM - I'm not entirely sure why you're going to need 16GB of RAM but you won't be coming up short, that's for sure. You're not going to notice much of a performance increase up past 1333/1600 mhz anyway I shouldn't think.
I've never used an AMD CPU, so I don't have a lot to add in that area. You don't need 700W no, but it doesn't hurt.
(But yeah, good thanks man. Been a while since I posted here properly myself. Uni is winding down for another year so I have some more time on my hands; it's not as if there is enough going on here that it sucks you in and consumes you anymore! How about yourself?)
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Senior Member
28. May 2012 @ 09:43 |
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Yeah man, the HDD im not too worried about, i also thought about getting a smalllllll SSD eventually to throw Windows on and thats it, just to make it run smoother. And like you said, 1TB seems standard now, i was also thinking about eventually grabbing an external, so storage is not my issue.
The RAM, im also fine with, afterall its RAM, the one i chose is 8GB
Those ones there, they sell for about $50 which seems to be a fair price.
And the mobo and CPU i guess im going to just have to test out on my own. Still shopping for cases though :D
(haha i hear ya, and im alright man, not a whole lot changes man, same old guy i was 4-5 years ago when I was posting on here regularily. Probably not as dumb though. haha workin basically, makin some money for my PC then I play the waiting game)
AfterDawn Addict
28. May 2012 @ 10:30 |
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Well yeah, SSDs aren't cost effective for mass storage yet.
Fair enough, 8GB is ample really and that RAM looks fine. Flashy heatsinks are an obvious bonus (haha).
I used this case in a pretty bog standard build a while back:
It's big enough, has enough drive bays, decent airflow and is reasonably sturdy - for the price. Might not be quite up to what you're after, but regardless I would stick with Cooler Master.
You should also look at after market coolers - this one is highly recommended and I've used them:
(Haha, good to hear you're doing well. I could do with a job myself!)
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 28. May 2012 @ 10:31
Senior Member
28. May 2012 @ 22:55 |
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Im not a fan of that case, im also building this as a "future-friendly" PC, trying to keep as much room for upgrades as possible, i want my case to have USB 3.0 ports on the front and back, if the price permits, and i really dont wanna go more than $720.00~ish, because its gonna take me a few weeks to save up for that, with little spending money for myself.
Ive also heard great things about Cooler Master, thats the case that ive got on the current PC right now and it seems pretty awesome. Im debating :
That one
The original I had chosen
The one you posted im not tooo fancy of,
But im semi-worried about airflow, how worried should i be? Will the stock fans that come with the Antec case be enough? Should I invest some cash in more eventually? OR is that something that I would want from the get go?
Thanks man
AfterDawn Addict
29. May 2012 @ 07:24 |
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Generally speaking this is how airflow goes through a standard case:
The Antec comes with 2 fans, top and rear. I would suggest buying another 120mm fan at least for the front, bringing air in and the other two taking hot air out.
Airflow is important but it's not not hard to get right, and with a decent heatsink like I linked above then you should be fine.
Senior Member
29. May 2012 @ 10:02 |
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Alrighty, well i might go and grab a 120mm fan from a computer shop around here, theyre all pretty standard when it comes to power right? And yeah, im going to throw one in the front aswell. They arent too pricy it seems.
Im looking at
Its cheap and it seems to get good reviews, and it has a blue led for a snazzy look if you can see it through the case mesh.
Think that will be sufficient?
I dont want to have to spend another 50.00 on a aftermarket heatsink, but if i really need to, ill concider it
AfterDawn Addict
29. May 2012 @ 17:39 |
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Yeah, that would be sufficient. More expensive in terms of a fan is going to feel slightly more solid and probably be quieter, that's all.
I'm not saying you have to - the heatsink that comes with your processor might be up to the job (I mean technically they should, but aftermarket coolers is a big business, so..). You should look in to that and make a more informed decision. It's not a particularly tricky install anyway, so if your CPU is running a bit hot after you burn it in then perhaps look to upgrading to an aftermarket cooler.
When I say "burn in", I'm referring to stress testing your CPU/RAM/GPU initially to make sure everything is stable, seated corrected etc. Following software is recommended:
CoreTemp - monitors CPU temp
GPUTemp - monitors GPU temp
Prime95 (32bit) - load up an instance for every core, and if something is wrong it won't run for very long (use 64bit version if you're building a 64bit machine, obviously)
FurMark - does the same thing, but for your GPU (this isn't really necessary as you're using a known graphics card, but for reference)
If you get any weird freeze-ups or BSOD after you complete your build, the first thing you should do is run memtest86+ to check your RAM for faults.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 30. May 2012 @ 21:04
Senior Member
30. May 2012 @ 22:35 |
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Awesome man! This is some crucial information that im gonna need!
Im going to be building a 64 bit machine, so after i get it all assembled and i install windows and drivers and all that jazz, ill run the stress tests to make sure everythings running up to par!
I really hope this goes smoothly, ha, its a little nerve wracking! The stress tests just push my hardware as hard as it will go and make sure that its going to withstand whatever kind of hell i put it through right? haha awesome, ill check that out on my gfx card right now actually, make sure thats not whats causing this computer faults! awesome! thanks again
EDIT: WELL! I ran the gpu test on this computer, it ran fine in windowed mode, but as soon as i switched it to fullscreen, it black screened like it does when i run games, the reason why im building a new computer... SO i should probably invest in a new graphics card too?
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AfterDawn Addict
31. May 2012 @ 06:36 |
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I mean I'm hardly an expert but it sounds like your GPU could have an issue in that case. Do you have onboard graphics on your current PC mobo? If so pull the card. It probably wouldn't cut it, but if it does perhaps you could see if the game will at least get in to full screen mode.
Were you recording temperatures while you ran Furmark? It could just be the card getting too hot which isn't necessarily indicative of a fault persé. You should also upgrade your gpu drives to the latest version if you haven't already.
Have you also tested the RAM on your current PC?
Stress testing is generally used by people who overclock their hardware to make sure whatever speeds, voltages, RAM timings etc they've used are stable under stressful conditions. However, it's good practice regardless on a new build PC because, like I say, if there is a problem with your CPU overheating or such then Prime95 won't run for very long at all.
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Senior Member
31. May 2012 @ 09:37 |
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My GPU only got to about 67degrees or so, i was reading and i heard that some cards can reach 100deg with no problems. Im going to test the CPU and the onboard gfx aswell. Wouldnt hurt to check the ram either i guess. I tihnk im honestly going to just buy a new GPU because i dont want to take any chances with the new PC