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3gs jailbreaking issue
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24. January 2010 @ 21:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Alright so a buddy of mine gave me his 3gs and said jailbreak it for me. I said no problem, it will take a couple of seconds with geohots program blackrain. I jailbroke it and the first thing I did was install cydia through the black rain app. That went fine and I clicked on cydia and installed boss prefs. For boss prefs you have to reboot your device, so I did and it put it into recovery mode. (itunes on top with usb). It only does this when I install a program that needs a device reboot. It does not do it when I need to do a respring such as after installing a new theme through winterboard. Does anyone know why it does this. I know that I can just run black rain again and it solves theproblem. But if im not near a computer and happen to turn it off then it will go into recovery. also the youtube videos on holding power and home then waiting for apple logo then holding home does not work it still goes to recovery. Any help would be great guys

28. January 2010 @ 11:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ive just got a new 3GS today and im having the same problem too. From what i have researched this is a problem with the 3GS but im hoping someone might be able to help too as i cant even install cracked apps and real apps dont work.
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2. February 2010 @ 04:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
This is due to the new Bootrom on the 3GS, AFAIK, there is not a work around at the moment.

Hope someone proves me wrong.

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2. February 2010 @ 18:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
It only effects the new 3GS, my wifes 3Gs i bought in Aug jailbreaks fine.

New 3Gs phones have the new bootrom, or iboot that is presently not hacked. (Honestly before jail breaking you should have looked into this, as its said over and over on Geos site)

What you have done is a tethered jail break. Meaning that if the phone/ipod ever dies or need a reboot, you will need to use Blackrain again to boot it.

Almost every 3Gs made after October 2009, will be a tethered jail break until a new crack is developed. (Dont hold your breath though as even geo has been quoted saying he might make a device so you can blackrain on the go, hence the new iboot protection is very strong) > forums > mobile devices > iphone - unlocking and hacking > 3gs jailbreaking issue

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